40 Fun Facts For Your Edification
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20 Interesting Facts to Ingest for Intelligence
- Impress your friends with these fabulous facts.
Billy Joel Explains the Story Behind 'Piano Man'
- Although the lyrics are generally self-explanatory,...
45 Life Tips That Are Genuinely Helpful
- This might be just what you need to hear.
40 Fun Facts to Cram In Your Cranium
- You say "nerd" like it's a bad thing.
35 Strange Facts That Sound Fake, But Aren't
- It just goes to show that life is often stranger than...
30 Interesting Trivia Tidbits From Shows and Movies
- That scene still gets me every time.
40 Nuggets of Knowledge For a Frontal Lobe Feast
- These might help you sound a little smarter at the...
Parents Ask Son to Spell 'Garbage' and Aren't Pleased...
- This kid is going to ace the spelling bee.
22 Odd-Looking Objects with Surprisingly Simple...
- Kudos to you if you already knew what any of these...
14 Legit Survival Techniques That Could Save Your Life
- Useful even if your life isn't an action movie.
Husband's Plea to Wife about Their Sex Life Is Painful
- Dude's gotta switch his game up.
24 Funny Observations That Are Right on Point
- These people tell it like it is.
4 Early Drafts of Justice League Members Too Wild For...
- Such as Wonder Woman’s love of BDSM, and...
25 Charts and Graphics Full of Random Knowledge
- You may just learn something.
25 Movie 'Facts' That May Require a Second Glance
- Facts that may not be 100% true.
15 Weird Facts About Wario Often Overlooked
- Wario is one of Nintendo’s most iconic characters....
32 Social Rules That Some People Need to Be Reminded Of
- If you don't do all of these things, you should be.
30 Life Hacks That Might Work but Are Too Dumb to Try
- Think twice before trying out any of these pro life...
36 Funny Life Hacks That Are Either Amazing or Insane
- So crazy they just might work.
21 Former CIA and FBI Employees Reveal What It Was...
- The name's Bond. Jimothy Bond.
Bus Driver Explains Why School Buses Have Black Lines...
- Even the school bus can be educational.
30 Funny Memes Strictly for the Boys (and You Too)
- You might be able to relate.
16 Strange Word Origins That No One Would Expect
- Bet you didn't know where all these words came from.
16 Intriguing Infographics With Interesting Information
- You may just learn something.
26 Honest Questions from British People to Americans
- Some of these we don't even know the answer to.
17 Unsettling Facts We Can't Forget
- Some things you can't unlearn.
40 Fun Facts to Cram In Your Cranium
- Treat yourself to a frontal lobe feast that'll leave...
17 Creepy Facts We Wish We Didn't Know
- Some things you can't unlearn.
22 Funny March 2020 vs. March 2021 Memes
- Maybe we've all had enough already.
Why the End of Your Tape Measure Needs to Wiggle
- Now you know why the end of tape measures need to...
40 Fascinating Facts For a Frontal Lobe Feast
- Impress your friends (and maybe win Trivia Night) with...
The Fifteen Most Overlooked Facts About the Star Fox...
- “Do a barrel roll!” For many gamers, this iconic...
Get a History Lesson in the Form of 95 Historical Memes
- What History Class didn't teach you, memes will.
30 Workers Spill Their Industry Secrets
- Every job has its tricks of the trade.
28 Aging Jokes for Old Millennials
- These will show you how old you are.
Yes, There Is a Penis Shaped Island and It's 1,600 ft....
- How did Magellan miss this?
26 Dumb but Funny Things to Laugh At
- Stuff to laugh at when you're bored.
40 Nuggets of Knowledge For Your Noggin to Nom On
- Time to smarten up.
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