Dude Digging Fence Accidentally Sparks Gas Main...
- You can’t just dig into the ground willy-nilly!
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Biker Gets Run Over by the Street Corn Guy
- Delivery incoming — right to your face!
30 Sunday Morning Randoms to Start the Day in Chaos
- Close out the year with some pure randomness.
Church Hosts Wrestling Match to Get People Back Into...
- Hitting you over the head with the spirit of the Lord!
Ghosted, Roasted, and Left on Read: 20 Memes That...
- Modern dating is a circus of ghosting, roasting, and...
Woman Makes Beautiful Cakes, Then Sits on Them
- Her account is fittingly titled “Cakes on Cakes.”
Woman Gets Knocked Off Scooter and Into Sewer
- Pennywise has claimed another victim.
20 Funny Pics We Probably Shouldn’t Laugh At
- We all know there are some things that if you laugh at...
Smuggler Caught Pretending to Be a Bush
- I mean, I wouldn’t have suspected a thing.
Woman Gets Ticket for ‘Unlawful Camping’ After She...
- Ma’am, you can’t give birth here.
32 Saturday Morning Randoms to Waste the Day Away
- After the holidays, we all need a solid dose of...
These Post-Vasectomy Interviews Are Deeply Awkward
- Here’s how dudes react when they get their tubes...
25 Things That Stopped Being Cool a Decade Ago
- These things were so cool back in the day, but if you...
Senior Citizens Angrily Protest the Alcohol Ban at...
- Let them drink!
The 50 Funniest Tweets from the Last 24 Hours
- Elon Musk owns Twitter, but Twitter keeps owning him...
Kid Drops Firework Down Drain, Blows Up the Whole...
- He learned an important, smelly lesson.
Kid Gets Hit in the Face by Flying Rugby Ball
- Don’t worry, he’ll be no more brain damaged than...
The 50 Funniest Tweets from the Last 24 Hours
- The holidays are a special time of year for the...
Dog Ruins Christmas By Pooping on the Gift
- He just got her a little something extra!
Fire Truck Accidentally Slams Into Building
- Emergency services were immediately notified —...
34 Thursday Morning Randoms to Smooth Out Your Brain
- The holidays are finally over, and it’s time to get...
Ferris Wheel Starts Spinning Way Too Goddamn Fast
- The people were not amused.
Police Stage Christmas Grinch-Themed Robbery, But...
- I get it’s a joke, but did you need to tase the guy?
Couple Misses Flight, Tries to Yell at Pilot to Open...
- Yeah, that’s not gonna work.
Tourists in Vietnam Rent Motorbike, Immediately Crash...
- What better way to remember your vacation than a trip...
One-Armed MMA Fighter Scores Incredible Knockout
- It’s all about using what you’ve got.
Liverpool Lads Spot Drone That Scares Them So Much...
- I’m sure they’re shocked, I just can’t...
Woman Stops Robbery By Hitting Thief Over the Head...
- Bringing wrestling moves to the streets!
50 Christmas Morning Randoms to Open Up Under the Tree
- Christmas morning is a brief time that parents, kids,...
Inked With Regret: 26 Terrible Tattoos These People...
- How could anyone think this looks good?
Dudes Get Hit by a Garbage Explosion
- A stinky kaboom!
Amazon Driver Hits Car, Then Drives Away
- Quick, order something else with Prime so he comes...
Tis the Season of Over-the-Top Megachurch Christmas...
- Oh come all ye faithful — and listen to these sick...
One in a Million Chance - 20 Wild Coincidences That...
- Life is full of amusing accidents.
Welsh Town Spends $5,000 on World’s Shittiest...
- If anything, this hurts the holiday spirit more than...
Goths Go for Christmas Photo Shoot
- Even the goths get into the holiday spirit!
48 Christmas Eve Randoms to Roast Your Chestnuts
- If you're that relative who loves to sit back and show...
Car Disappears into Parking Lot Sinkhole
- Goodbye, cruel world!
Russian Parents Hire ‘Liberal Clown’ for Their...
- It’s their version of the “screaming blue-haired...
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