'I Would Go Insane': Pro Hockey Player Accused of...
- No matter how bad your last breakup was, the friend of...
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12 Secret Things Hidden in Video Game Instruction...
- You won't look at Wario's bladder the same way again.
18 Times Things Did NOT Age Like a Fine Wine
- Well, that's just plain awkward.
‘Let Me In!’: Man Attempts to Break Into Date’s...
- Sydney Fort, who goes by The Pretty Chef on TikTok,...
22 Of The Worst Physical Pains People Have Ever Felt
- And don't say stepping on a lego.
24 Disney Adults Who Are the Epitome of Cringe
- If you're unfamiliar with the term 'Disney Adults',...
23 'Nope' Photos That No One Asked For
- A collection of nightmare-inducing things that no one...
17 Photos that Showcase the True Power of Time
- Time and its effects.
22 Uncooked Memes and Meals From the Raw Meatheads
- The people of r/RawMeat seem to think that they've...
32 Photos That Just Might Be Over The Line
- The world is full of all kinds of wild creatures.
22 People Lying on Social Media Who Prove It's Phony...
- With social media came the filters, the excessive...
14 People Sharing Things Nobody Wants to See
- A collection of strange, bizarre, and creepy posts...
Fancy Friday: 17 Pics Straight Out of the Dumpster
- Let's get fancy on this Friday... by checking out some...
30 Real Facts That Sound Fake
- You may have a hard time believing them.
22 Intriguing Yet Unsettling Photos to Look at in The...
- Thanks to the subreddit OddlyTerrifying, we've rounded...
19 Questionable Photos We Refuse to Believe are Real
- Humans come up with a lot of ideas, here is some proof...
18 Unique Things That Exist For Some Reaons
- The world is too big for these to not be things.
'We Got Scammed': Poor Couple Go Viral After Sharing...
- Marriage is supposed to be "till death do us part,"...
'They Can Never Take My License Again!': Georgia Man...
- Be careful what you wish for.
27 Unsettling and Bizarre Things People Found in Their...
- Oh, the joy of owning a home.
24 Pics Proving That the Kids Are Not Alright
- Kids are still learning, so it's not their fault that...
'I'm Not a Killer': Would Be Mass Shooter Found Dead...
- A 20-year-old man named Diego Barajas Medina was found...
Woman Devastated After Wells Fargo Loses Her Savings...
- With the number of Americans with declining savings...
Windsurfer Gets Body-Slammed By Whale and Dragged...
- Nature is fighting back and so far, we humans are...
Get Shot In a Mass Shooting? You're Stuck With the...
- The only thing worse than getting shot during a mass...
The Bath Salts Zombie Guy Was Not Actually on Bath...
- It’s notoriously difficult to pin down the origins...
‘What Was Going on Back Then?’: Drivers Used to...
- Things used to be simpler.
‘I Wouldn’t Get Too Spun Up About This Particular...
- Recently, Russia conducted drills and simulated a...
Fancy Friday: 20 Sleazy Pics That Will Have Your Eyes...
- Fridays are a day to get fancy... just not while...
Lane-Splitting Motorcyclist Is Lucky to Be Alive After...
- Lane-splitting is one of those things that...
‘The Fifth Loco’: Panera’s Charged Lemonade...
- Despite boasting 65 grams of sugar, Panera Bread’s...
Looking Back at 14 of History’s Most Insane Scams
- Let's be honest, everything as an adult feels like a...
'He's Drunk AF': Tipsy Driver Nearly Bulldozes...
- Though a hammered Houston driver may have stayed off...
People Think They Found a Mermaid in Papua New Guinea
- Back in September, residents of Simberi Island in...
'Stay There! I Got Everything!': Thieves Force Man's...
- This exercise in Murphy’s Law was an unfortunate...
21 Facepalms and Fails Chock Full of Foolishness
- Some funny tomfoolery for your Friday!
29 Cringey Pics and Funny Fails that Made Our Skin...
- I'm not sure what is running through their mind when...
What the Hell Is ‘Malk,’ and Why Are These High...
- If you Google “malk” — first of all, why? —...
Absolute Madlad Comes Out of Hiding During Texas Fair...
- What would you do during a mass shooting?
Charred Aftermath Paints Grim Picture of I-55 Pileup...
- New Orleans recently experienced what’s called a...
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