Cops Show Off All the Whippits They’ve Confiscated from Festival Goers

No, you can’t have the Nitrus today.

By Braden Bjella

Published 5 months ago Funny

No, you can’t have the Nitrus today.

Whippits have grown in popularity in recent years, as evidenced by the recently leaked Kanye text messages in which he begs his jacked dentist to give him “the Nitrus.”

For context, doing a “whippit” involves inhaling nitrous oxide until you feel like there’s no tomorrow. Like most things that make you feel good really quickly, there are consequences for doing whippits: for example, brain damage, liver damage, hearing loss, kidney damage and having to explain to people why you’ve got a bunch of empty whipped cream canisters around your apartment.

Given the ease with which one can do, and transport, the drug, it’s understandable that it’s become a common drug for festivals. It’s so common, in fact, that cops keep having to seize it from festival goers.

Here’s the collection a group of police officers amassed after just one day at a festival:

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