Detroit's New Tower is Blinding Drivers

If you don’t like looking at the Detroit skyline, you’re in luck!

By Braden Bjella

Published 2 months ago Facepalm

If you don’t like looking at the Detroit skyline, you’re in luck!

Detroit is suffering from some of the worst couple of decades that an American city can go through. Ever since manufacturing largely left the city, much of the city has been left in disrepair, and officials have been desperate to find reasons for people to stay.

Modern efforts of revitalization center around promoting the city’s incredible art scene and working to rebuild areas that need it. One of those projects is the Hudson's Detroit building, which is currently under construction. Recently, they added glass panels to the building — which, while looking pretty snazzy in the daytime, have turned into a deathray in the eyes of drivers by the time the sun sets.

Let’s hope it doesn’t literally melt cars like the building in London!