Dash Cam Captures Idiot Thief's Multiple Attempts to...
- After several attempts, this "genius" was finally able...
Media videos
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Dallas Sheriff's Deputies Arrested for Stealing from...
- Two Dallas County sheriff’s deputies have been...
Car Flies off Overpass in India, Killing One...
- Considering how many people were in the area of the...
Idiot Driver Causes Serious Accident Because They...
- Moron comes to a screeching halt in the middle of the...
Naughty Shoplifter Strips off 8 Pairs of Pants after...
- These clever security guards busted a sneaky woman for...
A Recap of the Tesla Cybertruck Event, in 5 Minutes
- Tesla CEO Elon Musk just unveiled the Cybertruck, the...
Lying Streamer Gets Kicked Out Of The Gym
- After getting caught filming at the gym(which is...
Car Thief Realizes the Moment That Her and Her...
- Professional car thieves get caught in a bait car and...
Crew of Forklifts Demonstrate How Not to Unload a...
- While trying to unload some long steel beams in a...
Woman Fleeing The Scene of a Car Crash Immediately...
- An Austrian woman gets into a car crash after trying...
Girl Leaves Her Boyfriend of 3-Years To Meet Rapper...
- This boyfriend was in disbelief when his girlfriend...
Son Finds Major Flaw In His Mom's DIY Security System
- Son finds a serious security flaw in his mom's attempt...
Car Drives Over Man's Foot While He Naps on a Work...
- If you're going to take a nap on the street you should...
Wendy Williams: Daytime TV's Biggest Bully
- Gus and Wubby talk about Wendy Williams and how she...
FedEx Trainee Casually Tosses a Package With a $1500...
- A Fedex employee in training lobs a package about 15...
Houston Astros Caught Using Cameras to Steal Signs in...
- A breakdown of the allegations against the Houston...
MMA Fighter's Plan Goes Terribly Wrong as He's Knocked...
- "I've made a huge mistake" is what he probably thought...
Guy Tries to Impress His Wife on a Scooter but She...
- A wife's hilarious commentary when her husband feels...
Check out the new Sonic the Hedgehog Trailer with the...
- Based on the global blockbuster videogame franchise...
Raging Mom Confronts Son's Bully
- As tempting as it might be to deal with your kids'...
Drake Repeatedly Attempts to Keep Performing as the...
- Drake at Tyler, The Creator's carnival, booed for not...
Dr. Phil Thinks Smoking Weed Lowers Your IQ and Makes...
- Dr. Phil explains how smoking marijuana can affect the...
Denmark Has a Ride Where They Basically Drop You Off...
- There's probably no way this could end badly... seems...
Woman Causes Hundreds of Dollars of Damage to Her Car...
- The Popeye's Chicken sandwich is back and just like...
Witness the Exact Moment This Wannabe Romeo's Soul is...
- They say you miss 100% of the shots you don't take,...
Mega-Karen Comes to Bother a Man at His House After he...
- Major Karen alert: this lady took her complaints right...
Instagram Vs. Reality Exposes the Truth Behind Those...
- A harsh look at the deceptive practices used by...
Greedy Trick-Or-Treaters Show Exactly Why You Should...
- This bowl contained over 170 pieces of candy before...
Entitled Racist Rants at Asian Employees for Speaking...
- That's a great example you're setting for your kid...
Car Flies Over Median and Hits an Officer's Cruiser...
- The officer was not at fault for this collision, but...
Frantic Woman Tries to Escape Scene of Her Hit-And-Run
- This whole video is a textbook case of "How to Make a...
Armed Robbers Go Live To Celebrate, Until The PoPo...
- Armed robbers have their celebration interrupted by...
Dude Cutting Down a Tree Gets Racked Big Time by an...
- Looks like he might be a bit more cautious next time...
LeBron James Fixing His Wig In The Middle of the Game
- Thanks to the keen eyes of Anthony Davis, LeBron gives...
Crazy Girl Flees From an Accident and Almost Runs Over...
- That's a double felony for you, lady.
Female DJ Has an Embarrassing Moment When She Loses a...
- She is now known as Dj Chicken Cutlet.
Father and Son Blast Man on His Way to Deer Hunt in...
- The pair approached his vehicle and gave him a piece...
Jimmy Fallon Embarrasses Jessica Biel With Clip of Her...
- Long before she married Justin Timberlake, Jessica...
Out-Of-Control Car Shows Tesla's "Smart Summon" Mode...
- "Smart summon" is pretty dumb actually.
Cyclist Almost Gets Killed By Semi Driver Who Couldn't...
- A truck driver pulls out but cannot see the man on the...
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