Iconic ‘Hold My Beer’ Meme Originated in a Warner Bros. Cartoon

You can claim that you and your friends said it first, but we came with receipts.

By zachnading

Published 2 years ago in Funny

You can claim that you and your friends said it first, but we came with receipts.

You can also put all those rumors to rest that your dad said it "first" in the '80s when he was golfing with his buddies. It ain't true.

Thanks to this unearthed footage of the classic Warner Bros. cartoon, 'Wild and Wolly Hare' we now know exactly where (and when) the popular phrase turned meme was originated. 1954 to be exact.

The phrase has become popular among dudes doing the dumbest sh*t imaginable, but first saying the line "Hold my beer." For example, say you're out with your boys and you wanna do a sick jump on a bike. You'd typically say "Hold my beer", attempt the jump, and end up wrecking and breaking multiple bones.

As popular as the phrase has gotten, it's also been claimed by the wrong originators time and time again. We've gone ahead and set the record straight. No need to thank us!