Fun In The Sun: Summer Fails

If you act like these folks, you're gonna have a bad time!

By Andrew Cunningham

Published 10 years ago in Ouch

Summer isn't always fun for everyone!

Summer is practically here, and while there are many ways to enjoy the water and the outdoors, there are even more ways to get hurt or embarrass yourself. So sit back and take a lesson or two from these people on how NOT to do it.

The Classic: Slip-N-Slide Faceplant

The Slip-N-Slide Miscalculation

The Homemade Waterslide

Surfing Down The Pool Slide

The Roof-To-Pool Jump: Property Damage

The Roof-To-Pool Jump: Bodily Injury

Jumping "Over" The Pool, Make Sure You Can Actually Do It...

Using Watercraft: Pay attention, don't over-estimate your abilities.

Exhibit A:

Exhibit B:

Don't Let Your "Friends" Talk You Into Bad Sounding Ideas

With this advice you'll be sure to stay safe, be careful and have a great summer. And if you're going to do something dumb, atleast film it.