Uber Driver's Live Stream Reads His Donations Using...
- Plenty of hilariously awkward situations arise when...
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Guy Prank Calls 2 Different Papa Johns And It Blows Up...
- The most productive prank call ever.
Guy Spits On A Cop And The Cop Handles It Perfectly
- This guy is on something that's for sure.
Woman Gets Caught Trying To Steal Money From Church...
- The store's clerk isn't in the mood for her...
Introducing The 2018 Hood Olympics
- The best thugs and gang bangers battle it out for...
Group Of African Children Lose It After Hearing The...
- Paige Victoria plays the fiddle to a group of kids who...
SJW Can't Handle Biology Facts and Storms Out of...
- A Portland student leaves as one of her pals...
Son Falls Off Boat While Playing a Game, His Dad Can't...
- Playing Sea of Thieves with your child SOUNDS like a...
How To Spot a Douchebag At The Gym
- This guy is the reason swole bros get a bad wrap.
MrBeast Gives 3-Million Pennies To His 3-Millionth...
- A random but lucky dude gets $30,000 (in pennies) from...
Dude Pranks His Co-Worker While He's Trying To Poop
- He sprays a flammable substance under the door and...
Man Puts a WWII Era Tank in his Front Yard Exploiting...
- How to piss off your home owners association.
News Anchor Cannot Believe His Eyes While Looking at...
- The news anchor has to do a double take while looking...
Twitch Streamer Thanks a New Subscriber and Almost...
- When a username almost gets you in trouble.
Man Soothes a Sick 10-Foot Bear and Melts Your Cold...
- Jim Kowalczik comforts a 24-year-old ill and injured...
Comedian Chris D'Elia Trolls His Opening Act By...
- A cocky dude brags about his new outfit so Chris...
Bill Gates Tries to Guess Grocery Prices
- The second richest man in the world hasn't been to the...
How To Get Him To Stop Playing Video Games
- Does your man constantly ignore you? Here is one way...
Drone Captures Amazing Video of Two Whales Playing...
- Drone footage captures what appears to be an amorous...
Funniest Rap Song During A Weather Forecast Ever
- Two amateur hip hop artists perform the local weather...
Fellow Player Roasts a Streamer on Her Choice of...
- A fashion guru deals with Vietnam flashbacks and daddy...
Talented Lady Makes a Light Post into a Stripper Pole
- Nothing is off limits to this talented climber.
5 Famous YouTubers Who Got Destroyed on Live TV
- From Keemstar to Logan Paul these suckas got roasted...
Unsuspecting Golfer Gets Creamed By Sneaky Golf Cart...
- He Still Doesn't Know What Hit Him.
Road Raging Idiot Gets a Dose of Instant Karma
- Both men were in the wrong but one of them owns...
Rat Attacks People on the Escalator
- The audacious rodent lunged at shoppers.
Florida ER Nurse has been Awake Too Long and Flips Out...
- Wash your hands! Never touch your hands to your face!
Robin Williams' Winter Olympic Jokes Wouldn't Fly Today
- Robin Williams is known as the 'family friendly'...
Football Playing Nephew Gets Flattened Like a Pancake
- He thought he was too big and bad to get laid out by...
Dad Lets His Son Drink Soda For the First Time When...
- Mommy wasn't around, so dad thought it was a good idea...
Homemade 'Flying Car' Test Flight Ends In Disaster
- Well... looks like it's back to the drawing board.
Siri Owns Twerking, Foul-Mouthed Girl
- Go wash that shit with some soap!!
Would-be Teddy Bear Thieves Face Immediate Retaliation
- Valentine's day is a day for love, these two idiots...
Kid Shoveling Snow Is Completely Fed Up With Winter
- While trying to get his car out from under the...
Fish Dives out of Tank into Shopping Cart in a New...
- Buy me now! Let's go!
Husband Hilariously Unamused By Wife's Brilliant...
- Happy wife, happy life, amirite?
"I am Shooketh!" Paranoid Woman Flips Out
- We're too famous, I can't go here anymore.
Kevin Hart Talks About The Time He Saw Steven Seagal...
- Seagal was being a dick to a stunt double which ended...
News Team Tracks Down and Confronts Porch Pirates...
- Package thieves get a surprise visit from the local...
Tampa PD Falls Victim to Another Fake Sign Language...
- A sign-language interpreter is accused of signing...
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