People Passing Out On Live TV Supercut
- Some people can't handle the pressure of live TV, and...
Media videos
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Korean Guys Give In To Kiss Cam Pressure
- Two guys were put on the spot by a 'kiss cam' operator...
Superb Reaction To Close Lightning Strike
- I couldn't have said it better myself...
Biker Crashes After Interview About Crashes
- Fortunately the two men were not seriously injured.
Frank Caliendo Reads LeBron's Letter As Morgan Freeman
- Frank Caliendo reads Lebron James's redemption letter...
The Social Network Experience In A Nutshell
- An accurate portrayal of what using Facebook is like...
Lady Tries To Drive Car Away During Repo
- She couldn't get away with the SUV so she decides to...
Don't Get Near This Dog's Beer!
- This dog isn't into sharing his Bud Light, so get lost!
Funny Old Guy Dancing Like A Boss
- He doesn't care what anyone thinks, he's here to party!
Red Sox Ball Girl Grabs Fair Ball
- She snagged a line drive from Kansas City's Eric...
Merry Go Round Sends Rider Flying
- He couldn't hold on anymore and goes skidding across...
Kids Cursing In Movies Mashup
- Naughty words spoken by kids. (Contains Strong...
The Phantom Nose Picker
- A hilarious moment during class, wait for it...
Drunk Chick Vs Hotel Room Door
- She's gonna have two headaches in the morning.
Guy Pours Beer Using His Forehead
- Now that is using your head!
FOIL, A Parody Of Royals By Lorde
- Weird Al explains his food storage preference, and the...
8 Awkward Moments Of Internet Anxiety
- Sometimes things can get a little out of hand online...
Joaquin Phoenix's Forehead
- HINT: If you don't get it, imagine his face is...
Girl Reveals Sexual Desires After Waking Up At...
- Looks like her inhibitions were attached to those...
LeBron Gives Harry A Ride To Cleveland
- LeBron is going back to Cleveland, Harry tags along.
Epic Rap Battles - Artists vs Ninja Turtles
- Leonardo and the foot soldier whooping gang raps...
If Latinos Said The Stuff White People Say
- "You're just not what I picture when I think of a...
Brian Williams' Clever Sex Joke On Air
- Finally, the government is doing what they normally...
The Most Relaxed Cat Ever
- Moco the cat is so chill right now, he's sleeping flat...
Guy Blasts A Traffic Cone Sky-High
- Nothing like father and daughter playing with...
Street Fighter 2 - Drunk Russian Edition
- A hilarious "fight" between a drunk guy and a really...
Alcoholic Crab Snags A Man's Beer
- Now it's just some bottle that you used to own.
Twin Turbo Mustang Goes Airborne
- This driver couldn't handle the 3000 horse-power and...
A More Realistic Action Movie
- Codename: VIper is not your typical action movie...
Hilarious Slingshot Ride Reaction
- "Ya'll check your seat belts real quick..."
Drive By Compliments
- They guys yelled nice things at people with a...
WayBack WHENSday: Baby Eats Pop Rocks
- Just a cute baby trying some pop rocks candy for the...
World Cup P.S.A. Takes An Unexpected Turn
- A "Kick The Habit" public service announcement...
Everyday Football (Soccer) Fouls
- If we all reacted to contact in everyday situations...
News Reporter Gets A Little Tongue Tied
- She sounds like she's writing an essay and trying to...
Ferocious Dog Attacks Through Window
- If I get out of here... prepare to be licked to death...
The "N-Word" Prank
- People reacting to being asked "What's up my...
Girls Fall And Land In Awkward Position
- Two handball players end up on the ground and one of...
Florida Road Construction Sign Gets Hacked
- A road sign on Ruskin road in Hillsborough county...
Stop Baby Crying With Nine Inch Nails
- One dad discovered a surefire way to stop his daughter...
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