Trophy Photo Ends With Broken Trophy
- A celebration fail leaves them with a broken trophy...
Media videos
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Shotgun Accidentally Goes Off
- While showing off some of his weapons, he accidentally...
Pitbull Jiu-Jitsu
- A brief video that displays some fundamental...
Why Pilots Love What They Do
- What pilots see in a day, most people won't see in...
Running Away While Tethered Stunt
- Two people attached by a bungee rope take off in...
Handstand On Bar Ends Painfully
- A wannabe gymnast trying to do some tricks ends up on...
Cop Fired After Shooting Squirrel
- The real crime here is that someone called 911 over a...
Demonstrating A Taser Fail
- A woman showing self defense devices accidentally...
Guy Flirting With Strippiers GTA Online
- He doesn't realize when you talk to the strippers...
Snake Attack Halloween Costume
- An awesomely creative Halloween costume sure to make...
Canadian Red Neck "Shotgunning"
- These guys shotgun a beer, using a real gun... Natural...
Ken Box: A Ken Block Tribute
- A cardboard box racer pays homage to Ken Block's...
GTA V Trolling - Sticky Bomb Traps
- Weregonnalose gets people to come to him, so he can...
Is This Playstation Game Racist?
- A learn english game for Asian people with some subtle...
A Waterslide For Ducklings
- Some cute baby ducklings enjoy a custom built...
A Rookie's Parkour Faceplant
- Face first right in the ground. that's gonna leave a...
Buc's Cannon Scares Cam And Mariucci
- Cam Newton and Steve Mariucci weren't quite ready for...
Late For Meeting
- The long awaited sequel to the masterpiece "Going To...
Sh*T People Say In GTA 5
- A collection of random, funny, weird, and nonsensical...
Customer Service In Japan
- Guy pushes the assistance button, gets the greatest...
Back Flip Fail And Muddy Face Plant
- This guy fail's during his backflip, and is scarred...
Triumph Visits Great American Beer Festival
- Triumph visits the microbrew expo to see beer snobs in...
The Worst Thief Ever
- A wanna-be criminal manages to destroy everything he's...
Fat Guy Gets A Tattoo
- I bet you can't guess what happens next...
Guy Scares The Sh*T Out Of Friend
- This girl is so frightened she is lets one slip on...
Tom Mabe's Flying Reaper Halloween Prank
- Watch people flee in terror as a flying reaper comes...
Cardinals Pitcher's Moment Of Desperation
- Wainwright's face captures it all as he just lets a...
Cricketer's Girlfriend Imitates Sex
- Chris Lynn's girlfriend doesn't know she's on TV... ...
Crazy Man Catches Wife Cheating
- He does the only logical thing... Bulldozes the house...
WayBack WHENsday: Dad Vs Skateboard
- Classic: Dad tries too look cool, but fails instead!
Faceplant During Live News Broadcast
- A news staffer faceplants in the background to start...
The Mindblower
- Sometimes you just need your mind blown.
Weird Costume Store Commercial
- One young man's journey comes to an end...
Dogs Shaking In Slow Motion
- Some cute pups shake it off in slow motion, and...
Ring Bearer Pees Outside Wedding
- I guess when you gotta go, you gotta go!
Arnold - Put That Cookie Down!
- Record this and put it on your fridge.
The Most Ridiculous Parking Attempt Ever
- Who ever is behind the wheel of that car, clearly...
American Slapped For Being Disrespectful
- He was being rude and then smacks a lady on the butt...
GTA V Mythbusters: Episode 5
- Uncovering what is truth and what is fiction in Grand...
Intrigued Cat Vs Windshield Wipers
- Houston, we have liftoff!
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