Guy Pranks His Mom Into Thinking There’s An Alien Invasion

What would you do during an alien invasion? If you’re this guy’s mom, you would freak the hell out and not do much else.

By Braden Bjella

Published 5 months ago Funny

What would you do during an alien invasion? If you’re this guy’s mom, you would freak the hell out and not do much else.

This man did an admittedly cruel but incredibly funny prank on his mom. In short, he created a fake news broadcast and emergency alert in order to fool his mom into believing that the world was being overtaken by extraterrestrials.

Her reaction, I have to say, isn’t quite what I would expect from someone who suddenly learned their planet is over and done with. At least she learned a few things from the whole affair: 1) Be prepared; and 2) her son is a dick.