Guy Totals His Car After Speeding Into Thick Cloud of Smoke

Word to the wise: If you're driving down the highway and you see an obstruction in your path, pump the brakes and maybe pull over to the side of the road. Or, forget that useful bit of advice and do what this moron did, which was nothing.

By Peter Rapine

Published 9 months ago in Funny

"Leroy Jenkins!"

Word to the wise: If you're driving down the highway and you see an obstruction in your path, pump the brakes and maybe pull over to the side of the road. Or, forget that useful bit of advice and do what this moron did, which was nothing. 

This video is from last year and comes to us from the great state of Louisiana. The smoke was caused by a wildfire and the pile-up occurred on I-10 a few miles outside of New Orleans. 

The plume of smoke is called a super fog and is the byproduct of the combination of smoke and fog. So if you're ever in this situation, remember, it isn't always full steam ahead.