‘I Did Sh*t That Would Make You B*tches Piss Yourself’: This Cowboy Has Led Quite the Life

Message taken, sir. I know well enough not to f*ck with some dude who loves horses and held his best friend's body in his arms, no thank you.

By zachnading

Published 1 year ago in Ftw

Message taken, sir. I know well enough not to f*ck with some dude who loves horses and held his best friend's body in his arms, no thank you.

The man who has 30 years of experience as a remote wilderness guide states that he once saved his dog by shoving a walking stick in the face of an 8-foot cougar, and has stood down multiple bear charges.

That's some Chuck Norris shit right there, and that's good enough for me. But the fact that this man still has to deal with haters is just absurd, and deal with them he does. The ranting and roasting is punctuated by a heartfelt thank you to his followers and fans.

♬ original sound - HelpingHorsesHeal