Inside the Japanese Cafe Where Servers Make Fun of You

Have you ever wanted to be yelled at by a tiny Japanese woman? Well, your weird desire can be a reality!

By Braden Bjella

Published 5 months ago in Funny

Have you ever wanted to be yelled at by a tiny Japanese woman? Well, your weird desire can be a reality!

Japan is full of oddities, as we’ve previously covered many, many times. One of those oddities is a show in which women insult, and occasionally hit, male comedians (the winner is the one who manages to keep a straight face the whole time). An episode of the show with English subtitles can be watched here.

Well, the show proved so popular that you can now go to a cafe themed around it. Servers mock you, are aggressive toward you and are generally unpleasant.

If that’s your thing, book your ticket to Japan today!