Man Makes Monster Burrito Out of Hundreds of Other Burritos

It’s burritos all the way down.

By Braden Bjella

Published 4 months ago in Wtf

It’s burritos all the way down.

If you ever get the motivation to make your own burrito instead of just buying one from the local Mexican joint, there’s a wide array of options for you to choose from when it comes to fillings. As a burrito is basically just whatever you want wrapped in a massive tortilla, you can put just about anything in there and still have a decent, filling meal.

That said, this guy clearly took things too far. In the video below, he makes burrito after burrito, every time breaking them down and turning them into components of the next burrito.

By the end, he has one behemoth that contains the souls of dozens of other burritos — and, let’s be honest, a few thousand calories.