Body Armor Test Videos Show Off How Far Body Armor Has Come

Technology is always evolving, and it's pretty cool to see what new and innovative ideas designers come up with. However, this one leaves us with some questions.

By zachnading

Published 1 year ago in Ouch

Technology is always evolving, and it's pretty cool to see what new and innovative ideas designers come up with. However, this one leaves us with some questions.

I think it's great that we're creating logistical safety gear for everyday commutes, but I'm just curious how reliable this stuff actually is based on the 'test video' alone. Sure, if I'm being stabbed multiple times in the same area around the stomach it seems like I'm good to go. Or if a burglar approaches me with a baseball bat (and doesn't swing too hard) I'm golden.

What really concerns me is the head protector. This seems like a very gentle assassin. Is my attacker literally just petting my face with a knife? Why wouldn't they just go for my eyes at that point? Heaven forbid they pull a gun on me. It seems a bit counterintuitive is all I'm saying.

Back to the drawing board, I suppose.