Russian Parents Hire ‘Liberal Clown’ for Their Kid’s Birthday Party

It’s their version of the “screaming blue-haired woman.”

By Braden Bjella

Published 1 month ago Funny

It’s their version of the “screaming blue-haired woman.”

Russia is a pretty right-wing country. While there are still some leftover social services from the mentality of the Soviet Union, especially in the past decade, the country has begun to view itself as a bastion of “traditional values” — if those values also happen to include killing half a bottle of vodka with dinner.

Recently, these “traditional values” have also taken the form of having an openly hostile relationship with the idea of “liberalism,” so much so that this children’s birthday party hired a trademark “liberal” and had the kids curse him out of the room. And before you ask, I have no idea why he’s dressed like Jack Sparrow.