'Imagine Paying For This': Twitter is Disgusted by New Chocolate Hand Drizzle Dessert

Move over, fondue. Finger chocolate is here to stay.

By zachnading

Published 2 years ago in Ftw

Move over, fondue. Finger chocolate is here to stay.

The internet has mixed feeling about a fancy restaurant pouring chocolate on diners' hands and having them lick it off. The video reminds us of 'The Menu', a new film that follows rich foodies on a night they'll never remember, however, these diners aren't being held against their will, at least not that we can tell.

If someone could point me in the direction of this groundbreaking delicacy I would love to suck on my own chocolate-covered phalanges without judgment. After all, I'm the only one who knows where my hands have been. Sign me up.