Give Us a Movie about Flying Dirt Bikes and Chili Dog Stands Any Day of the Week

Motocross, magic, a hot dog shop, this movie has got it all. If you've never seen "The Dirt Bike Kid" it's Peter Billingsley's follow up to the 1983 classic "A Christmas Story." And boy was the cocaine flowing in this writer's room.

By zachnading

Published 3 years ago in Funny

Motocross, magic, a hot dog shop, this movie has got it all. If you've never seen "The Dirt Bike Kid" it's Peter Billingsley's follow up to the 1983 classic A Christmas Story. And boy was the cocaine flowing in this writer's room. If you're looking for a heartwarming movie from the '80s about a kid who finds a magic dirt bike that can fly then you're in luck. Peter Billingsley stars as Jack Simmons, a down-in-the-dumps kid who strikes up a relationship with - yup you guessed it - a dirt bike. All the while there's this hot dog shop closing, so that's a backstory. With a whopping 59% on Rotten Tomatoes, this is a must-watch for the flying dirt bike aficionado in your life.