The Incredible and Terrifying True Story Behind...
- 19 years ago, Austin-band Fastball released "The Way,"...
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High School Drumline Rocks Out With Just Sticks and...
- When you're this talented, you can play on anything...
Bill Burr Talks About Being On The Mandalorian
- Bill Burr never thought he'd end up in anything Star...
Dude Dumps His Girl by Tattooing it Onto Her
- They seem like a really classy couple.
Two Monster Sea Lions Hijack a Sailboat
- Footage from Eld Inlet, Washington shows gigantic...
36 Interesting Pics of Things You Don't See Every Day
- A collection of odd and fascinating stuff to check out.
28 Pics And Memes For The Exquisite Minds
- Dry out the tears your trying day with this gallery...
News Anchor and Meteorologist Might Just Hate Each...
- Are they just the kind of friends who can make catty...
The Entire Chilling Exchange Between a Young Girl and...
- Do you know that camera in your doorbell and the one...
Sex Expert Says Parents Should Get Consent Before...
- Because your baby is capable of consent right?
Reddit Explains How Lazy People Always Find the...
- Always give the hardest job to the laziest person...
R/C Snowplow Makes Quick Work of Snowy Driveway, Is a...
- Now here's a method of clearing my driveway I could...
Cringeworthy Stand-up Routine Is Just Plain Awful
- If you can make it the entire way through you deserve...
Exxon Mobile Lied About The 2018 Methane Leak That Was...
- In 2018, and Exxon Mobile fracking well, leaked...
Flying on the Most Expensive Plane Ticket in the World
- The Etihad Residence comes with a private bedroom,...
Idiots Decide To Take Selfies At The Gun Range
- Yeah dude, maybe not a good idea to point a loaded gun...
Ten of the Biggest Scandals of the Last Decade
- These are the stories that rocked our news feeds.
NASA Scientist Says They Destroyed the Technology That...
- What does that even mean?
Audrey Hepburn Was a Bad*ss Before She Became Famous
- So we all know Audrey Is a cultural icon of fashion,...
Enraging Video of a School Police Officer Assaulting a...
- He shouldn't just be fired, he should be arrested. How...
The Most Disgusting Case of Police Incompetence In...
- Police not only killed the UPS driver who had been...
Social Media Influencer Says She's "Too Beautiful to...
- Life must be great when you have a direct line to mom...
The New England Patriots Have Been Caught Red-handed
- The New England Patriots and cheating go together like...
Package Thieves Meet The Glitter Bomb 2.0
- Over 1.7 Million packages are stolen or go missing...
20 Mysterious Photographs That Will Send A Chill Up...
- You might want to sleep with the light on after...
Eminem Impersonator 'Denance' Responds To Nick...
- Nick Cannon started a feud with the self-proclaimed...
38 Quick Pics with No Relevance Intended
- Funny, odd, and wtf images from the world wide web.
Engineering Professor Found the Best Way to Catch...
- An engineering student tells the story of how his...
Elon Musk Has Been Going Off on the 'Life is a...
- Elon are you okay? Are you smoking weed and doing...
The Top 10 Videos of the Decade Featured on eBaum's...
- A look back at the top videos from the past 10 years.
Thirteen Cool Gift Ideas For Anyone Who Lives on Coffee
- Who doesn't love a good cup o' joe?
Bald Eagle That Tried to Attack Octopus Has Regrets
- Finally answering the question: Who would win in a...
World's Moodiest Groom Has a Temper Tantrum in Front...
- This marriage is off to a great start after a moody...
21 Pics That Played Tricks on Our Eyes
- These photos might be once in a lifetime.
Kid With Brass B***s Kicks Car That Struck His Mother
- A mother and son were knocked over by a car at a...
Savage Dude Eats KFC in the Middle of a Vegan Protest
- He's no chicken! KFC troll stands in the middle of a...
21 Photos Taken At The Right Moment
- This was their time to shine!
Teacher Gets Fired for Standing Up to Sexist Athletic...
- When a PE teacher discovers a long history of sexism...
65 Pics and Memes that are Easy on the Eyes
- A little something something to help pass the time.
Teen Who Murdered His Sister Tries To Escape During...
- The bailiffs rushed to apprehend him, but it was not...
eBaum's Picks