Dad Reveals He’s Won the Lottery to His Sons in the...
- This dad in Denmark decided to really stretch out just...
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Streamer Offers 20k to Anyone Who Can Beat Halo 2 LASO...
- The challenge has allegedly never been done before...
Kayaker Rescues Six Year Old Floating Alone In The St...
- A kayaker found a 6-year-old boy swimming alone in the...
Boat Slingshots Solid-Steel Bollard Through the Air
- The launch of a new boat accidentally slingshotted a...
Wolf Pack Surrounds Bear and Its Kill But Quickly Nope...
- An amazing interaction between a grizzly bear and the...
Explorer Claims to Have Found Bigfoot's Skull
- Nathaniel Peterson, who goes by Coyote on the YouTube...
Bill Burr's Abortion Cake Analogy Is Both Spot on and...
- Leave it to Bill Burr to tackle a divisive issue...
Time Traveling TikToker Warns "New World" is Coming
- Get out the tinfoil.
29 Frigid Pics to Make the Heat Wave Fun Again
- Life is all about contrast. Here's a big ol' batch of...
What Can a Dollar Get You All around the World?
- It's an open secret that the economy isn't great right...
The Most NSFW Seinfeld Blooper Ever Discovered
- From the Youtuber - "I found this DVD of Seinfeld...
Microsoft Drops the Ban Hammer, Outlaws Minecraft NFTs
- The developers have stated that NFTs "can create...
25 Thor Facts Disney Doesn’t Want You to Know
- The latest Thor movie has been out for a bit now. And...
25 Taco Bell Facts To Read While You’re Blowing Up...
- A collection of facts and information about the fast...
23 Photos that Show Some Terrifying Things from the...
- A batch of creatures, monsters, and animals from a...
People's Cats are Freaking Out Over Playstation's New...
- People can’t get enough of BlueWave Studio’s new...
Madman Attaches Assault Rifle to Boston Dynamics Dog
- I for one, welcome our new robot overlords.
Sinkhole Sucks Away Swimming Pool in Seconds
- A sinkhole opened up inside of a swimming pool,...
19 Useful Charts About Our Bodies
- These charts will blow your mind and maybe make it...
25 Pokemon Facts to Help You Catch Them All
- Pokemon facts to catch and help you evolve your...
Grown Man Pushes Past Kids For Autographs at the MLB...
- He might need to reconsider his priorities.
Andy Kaufman's Infamous Prank that Started a Brawl on...
- The crew and cast members unaware of what he was...
British Man Enjoys a Cocktail in Bin on Hottest Day in...
- "I'm having a cocktail in a bin."
Man Enters Woman’s Unlocked Apartment Weeks after...
- Drunk dude walks into an unlocked apartment and tries...
Hero Pizza Delivery Man Saves 5 Children From Burning...
- Nicholas Bostic was making a delivery when he came...
25 Things That Should Be Illegal But Aren't
- Many horrible things in this world need to stop. It's...
23 DIY Gadgets The World Isn’t Ready For
- These people are living in 3022.
There's Been an Explosion at the Hoover Dam
- A transformer caught on fire this morning at the...
20 People Who Hung Their TV in the Stratosphere
- What is the point of this? Seriously can somebody...
25 'Awesome' Jobs That Aren't What They Cracked Up to...
- Hate your job? Most people do. And you've probably...
20 Nightclub Photos Sure to Give Us a Hangover
- Another batch of absolutely atrocious nightclub photos.
New Footage Shows Full Timelapse of Uvalde Police...
- In total, nearly 400 police officers responded to the...
21 Crazy Cool Pics Collected From the Internet
- Interesting stuff from around the world.
‘Godfather’ Rehearsal Footage Reveals James Cann...
- It turns out James Caan, Al Pacino, and Robert Duvall...
25 Alexander the Great Facts Your Teachers Never Told...
- Alexander the Great once ruled the world. But how much...
Gunman Opens Fire at Craig Robinson Comedy Show
- Craig Robinson was set to perform at the Comedy Zone...
Massive Maui Swells Evacuate Beach Wedding and Envelop...
- It was a weekend of big waves in Hawaii, as Maui's...
16 Celebrities With Criminal Pasts
- Famous people who broke the law and paid the price.
Woman Captures Lightning Striking Her Husband's Truck...
- A woman recorded the moment a vehicle was struck by...
The Terrifying Moment a V-22 Osprey Crashes onto an...
- An Osprey attempting a landing onto an aircraft...
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