Girl Finds a Second Apartment behind Her Mirror and...
- Can she claim this space as part of her unit?
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Ten Skin Crawling Moments From Silent Hill
- Silent Hill is one of the most nightmarish and scary...
42 Posts That Get Crazier the More You Read
- These might make you reconsider some things.
Surgeon Thinks He's Too Important for Traffic Court,...
- The judge was not amused.
Live News Report Turns Into Police Shoot-Out with...
- Meanwhile in San Diego, A journalist covering...
Sony's 'Banana Controller Technology' Will Let You...
- Finally, game developers are giving us the innovation...
38 'Nice' Girls Giving Women a Bad Name
- It's like scrolling through an entire meadow of red...
Apparently Men Sleeping with Men Isn't Gay?
- He has an interesting point but seems to kind of miss...
WW2 Era Bomb Detonated After Its Discovery Near UK...
- The bomb squad responded to the incident and placed...
These 3.5 ft. Long Adidas Clown Shoes Are the Worst...
- How long is too long?
600 lb. Woman Anxiously Watches Her Boyfriend Eat...
- This family looks healthy.
40 Bizarre Discoveries by Home Inspectors
- Stuff so nuts, they just had to take a photo.
20 Deep Thoughts to Ponder While Showering (or Stoned)
- Stuff to ponder while you wash.
29 Fresh Pics, Memes, and Jokes for Exquisite Minds
- Today is a perfect day for memes.
Facebook Perpetuates the Dystopian Hellscape with an...
- Zucc wants to know where you are at all times.
The 10 Most Controversial Skins in Video Games
- One of the most unique features of current gen-gaming...
25 Celebrities Who Know That Money Isn't Everything
- Were they fools?
Anti-Masker's Solution to Store Requiring Face...
- She's basically Dutch oven-ing herself.
20 People Who Had Awful Taste But Great Execution
- They really wanted to make this stuff.
10 Advertisements for Mobile Games That Are Straight...
- Mobile games have a reputation. While many can be...
52 People Who Really "Nailed" It
- Something's not quite right here.
The Fifteen Most Overlooked Facts About the Star Fox...
- “Do a barrel roll!” For many gamers, this iconic...
21 Interesting Facts, GIFs, and Pics to Waste Time With
- Have a little taste of everything.
Activision Warns Standard 500 GB PS4 Might Not Be...
- Activision continues to require too much storage space...
Rubbernecking Couple Crash their Motorcycle on Live TV
- A distracted couple c wind up in a motorcycle while...
Goofy Girl Wanted To Become A Dragon but Set Her Face...
- Someone give this woman her Darwin Award!
Yes, There Is a Penis Shaped Island and It's 1,600 ft....
- How did Magellan miss this?
Karen's Magical Powers Fail to Stop a Police Taser
- During a confrontation with Police, this Karen...
Illinois Rep Blames Violent Video Games For Rise in...
- Violent video games are a scapegoat once again.
Fifteen Awful Facts and Secrets About Dr. Robotnik
- Dr. Robotnik is a pretty scary dude. He’s got a ton...
19 Tweets That Show How Bright (or Not) Celebrities...
- I hope I never become famous.
33 Items That Have No Business Being This Thicc
- Who made them so large?
15 Candid Photos of El Chapo's Beauty Pageant Wife
- What's the life of a drug kingpin wife like?
26 Dumb but Funny Things to Laugh At
- Stuff to laugh at when you're bored.
Woman Stops Shaving Facial Hair and Everyone Loves It
- Hair so thicc.
Fail of the Week: Texan Gets Stuck with $17,000...
- He got screwed over royally on this one.
28 Cool Pics and Funny Memes to Scroll With
- Stuff to scrunch your eyebrows at.
15 Very Controversial Video Game Characters
- Not every video game character is created equally. In...
Boeing 777 Engine Bursts into Flames and Forces...
- Thankfully no one was hurt.
Game Show Contestant Freaks out During Icelandic Game...
- During a show called "Guess Better", this dude has a...
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