The Tech Billionaire Bro Who Wants to Be 100 Percent...
- If you’ve been reading the news lately, you may have...
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Fake Tombstones, Mob Ties and a Starring Role in...
- 46 years ago today Elvis Presley left the building for...
'Someone Changed My Schedule Without My Knowledge':...
- Sounds like it's time to find a new job.
Concierge Refuses to Call Fire Department for People...
- "The procedure is for the security on-site to do...
Blink-182's Tom DeLonge Thinks Aliens Can...
- If you haven’t been following the news, aliens are...
Furries Beat the Crap Out of Man Filming Them on the...
- "There’s just way too much to unpack here,"...
Real Estate Developers Already Attempting to Gentrify...
- Though Lahaina residents may still be grappling with...
Guy Breaks World Record For Most Pine Boards Broken...
- Zac "The Horse" Gordon has made a career out of having...
Even Vegans Annoyed with Vegan Mom Who Refuses to...
- One Australian woman recently found herself in a...
Christian Man Visits 24hr Massage Parlor and Calls the...
- "She tried to grab my gentles, she's going to jail,"...
Blindsided: Michael Oher’s “Parents” Never...
- Though Michael Oher’s life story may have served as...
Mountaineer Accused of Ignoring Dying Sherpa to...
- On July 27th, the 37-year-old Norwegian mountaineer...
Russian Fighter Jet Crashes Into Apartment Building In...
- One pilot proved that ejector seats serve more of a...
Tampa Bay Rays' Star Wander Franco Accused of Dating...
- Though Tampa Bay Rays’ star Wander Franco may play...
Biker Has an Unfortunate Accident With Million to One...
- With little to no time to react, the biker ends up...
No Understanding of Physics - Protestors Attempt to...
- The climate activists wandered onto the tarmac at...
'There’s Nobody Protected in My Portfolio': Landlord...
- North Carolina landlord Tom Cruz, who claims to make...
Woman Mixes the Wrong Pool Cleaning Chemicals, Mustard...
- "She just made a deadly chlorine bomb,"
Not Even Gun Nuts Support a Five-Year-old...
- Kids these days seem to be growing up faster than ever...
Man Shocked to Learn South African McDonald's...
- It seems once again the US lags far behind the rest of...
'Get Your A** Out of My Country': Karen Screams at...
- One Karen decided to make her poor driving skills...
Former Pentagon DIA Believes Aliens Are Giving Her...
- During the recent congressional UFO hearings featuring...
‘Mass Shoplifting Event’ in London Leads to Brutal...
- While Americans freak out over growing inflation, the...
"I Quit On Wednesday" - Manager Actually Tries to...
- An incompetent boss (both with schedules and people...
$100 Million Kick Star xQc Admits His Content Is...
- xQc admitted to making awful content in an attempt to...
Utah Man Killed By FBI Once Joked He'd Have A "Loaded...
- One Utah man learned a hard lesson about shitposting...
Before-and-After Photos Capture Devastating Moscow...
- A massive explosion at the Zagorsk Optical and...
Wife Checks Husband's Dash Cam Footage and Discovers...
- Are our spouses really who we think they are? The...
Boss Forced Girl to Have Private Bible Studies in his...
- This whole thing just screams, "RUN!"
NYPD Smashes Teen’s Head Through Taxi Window
- The police apparently weren’t too happy about that...
The Shocking Moment a Cop Realizes There’s A Body In...
- Bodycam footage during a routine traffic stop shows...
Get-Rich-Quick Grifter Becomes Homeless For Three...
- She claims that "homelessness is a choice."
27 People Share the Dumbest Things They've Ever Heard
- How do some people get through life?
The Company That Stores Dead People at -196 Degrees
- Technology is accelerating rapidly, however, and there...
18 Social Norms That Defy Logic, Yet Remain Firmly in...
- Society has strange unspoken rules that everyone...
Creepy Fish Has People Thinking Aliens Are Coming From...
- Ever since the United States Air Force veteran David...
Bartender Sets Girls On Fire With Flaming Drink Spray
- "That's called a Flaming Moe," MapRevolutionary4563...
24 People Reveal What Happened to Their Class Bully
- Did they improve their ways, or double down?
Mango Pits Have Become the Hot New Pet in China
- According to an article from The Straits Times, mango...
Drunk Driver Who Killed Two People Can't Understand...
- The 24 year old pleaded guilty to four felony charges...
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