Top 7 Porn Searches That Defined 2017

These are the most popular porn searches that defined 2017.

By Peter Rapine

Published 7 years ago in Ftw

These are the most popular porn searches that defined 2017.

pornhub, 2017, top, porn, searches, pornstars

Pornhub's 2017 year in review is here and guess what, people still like porn, like they really really like porn. So what can we learn about ourselves by the porn we watched most in 2017, well, let's find out.  

In 2017, there were 28.5 billion visits to Pornhub and 25 billion searches made. In total there were 595,482 hours of porn uploaded to Pornhub, which is roughly 68 years worth of porn. Needless to say, no single man or woman is capable of watching all that porn in their lifetime. But don't worry, because you don't have too, stick with what's popular and you'll get a good sense of what people like getting off to these days. So here are the most popular porn searches of 2017. 

1. Porn For Women

pornhub, searches, porn for women

When you think about it, it makes sense why this would be the most popular porn search of the year. The days of pretending that women don't watch porn have passed and with all the women movements that took off this past year, we can understand why women and or men would want to watch porn that isn't degrading or abusive towards them. 

2. Rick and Morty

PornHub, searches, rick and morty

I know, strange right? Like who looks for porn about their favorite cartoon? (sweats nervously) Rick and Morty was hugely popular in 2017 and so it makes sense that some of the shows fans would want to further live out their Rick and Morty experience. But the second overall search? Now that's pretty surprising and a little creepy as well. 

3. Fidget Spinners

PornHub, searches, 2017, fidget spinners

Yes, you read that correctly, fidget spinners came in at number 3 in Pornhub's top 2017 search list. I wonder how big the crossover between Rick and Morty fans and this subgroup of porn watchers is. Fidget Spinners had their 15 minutes of fame in 2017 and seemingly overnight, they were any and everywhere. If you haven't watched or come across this strange perversion we cannot in good conscious advise that you do, grow up weirdo. 

4. 1080p

Pornhub, searches, 2017, 1080p

Now this one makes sense. HD, high-quality porn is a must, especially if you're jerking off on your phone during your lunch break or sneaking peaks while you ride the bus or wait in traffic. It's 2018 and people want high-quality porn. We've lived long enough with grainy handheld videos and we won't stand for that shit anymore. 


Pornhub, searches, 2017, asmr

ASMR stands for 'Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response' and is used to describe the static or tingly sensation you feel on your skin when triggered by auditory impressions. In lamens terms, it's ear porn. It could the sounds you listen to for meditation or sleep but in the porn world, you're most likely to see it associated with 'hands-free organisms' and videos of busty women who never end up taking off their shirts. 

6. Hentai

Pornhub, 2017, searches, Hentai

Now I'm surprised this isn't Pornhub's number one search of 2017. If you've been paying attention, hentai porn and anime, in general, have been everywhere. Hentai is anime porn, usually depicted through school girl role playing or giant tentacle monsters. Hentai for years has been nothing more than a joke, for some people at least, but in 2017 Hentai finally made itself a household name. 

7. Cheerleader

Pornhub, searches, 2017, cheerleader

Pornhub's list only goes up to 7, though there are probably some much stranger things later on down the list, this one is pretty underwhelming. Cheerleaders are vanilla, plain and boring, though vanilla tastes great it doesn't have any pizazz. If you are someone who contributed to this popular search, then the rest of this list might have been out of your comfort zone. Maybe in 2018, you can expand your horizons, you never know, you might like Hentai if you give it a shot. 

Pornhub, top, 7, 2017, searches