Zillow House Is Giving People Human Trafficking Vibes, But There's More to the Story

On March 3rd, the TikTok channel Zillowtastrophes posted a video showcasing a suspicious listing in Zanesville Ohio.

By Daniel Bonfiglio

Published 2 years ago in Creepy

On March 3rd, the TikTok channel Zillowtastrophes posted a video showcasing a suspicious listing in Zanesville Ohio.

zillow - zanesville royal hall

On March 3rd, the TikTok channel Zillowtastrophes posted a video showcasing a suspicious listing in Zanesville Ohio. The channel, which specializes in exposing "Hidden gems and outright disasters" on Zillow, pointed out some of the property's incredibly suspicious features. These included oddly furnished bedrooms, a lack of windows, and strange open spaces on the lower floors. 

"Normally you guys in my comments are pretty quick to say maybe there's some trafficking going on here," Zillowtastrophe's host says in her video. "And normally I'm like whoa, pump the brakes, but this is not giving off good vibes."

@zillowtastrophes Replying to @lilliansoftball25 who is The Royal Family? ❤️ to @seth.hollingsworth who found it #zillowfinds#zillowtastrophy#ohio#realestate#truecrimetiktok♬ Spooky, quiet, scary atmosphere piano songs - Skittlegirl Sound

The building's strange architecture stems from its original use as a dry cleaner, which accounts for its absence of windows and warehouse-like feel. Now, it's apparently used by its owner as an after-hours nightclub called the Royal Hall. The listing has gone viral across Zanesville Facebook groups, with people reporting conflicting bits of information about the property. Some claim that police routinely shut down its parties, while others say that it's no disturbance at all. 

@zillowtastrophes Replying to @jayelsee87 some updates on the Zanesville Basement Club House. Owners at the end. #zanesville#creepyzillowlistings#zillowtastrophe♬ Oblivion - Grimes

The owner has since responded to the listing's controversy on his own TikTok channel waynegheenjr, promising viewers a complete house tour. He has also posted multiple videos of the nightclub in action, along with its patrons who call themselves the royal family. 

@zillowtastrophes Replying to @rileyjarrett cant wait for the tour! #zanesville#zillowtastrophe#ohiocheck#greenscreenvideo#greenscreen♬ original sound - Zillowtastrophes


♬ original sound - royal family

While the nightclub's transparency has put some people at ease, it has only heightened suspicions for others. "Those girls are definitely underage. Something weird is happening here. Those were KIDS rooms," one comment said. While there is no evidence to suggest that those particular featured patrons are underage, it is certainly a valid question that should be raised. Especially when some comments have suggested that the club is BYOB, supported by a party invitation posted on the owner's Facebook page. 

Zillow listings are often a little unhinged, but the mystery of the Royal Hall is an all-timer. Now we just need to wait for the house tour to clear everything up... if it ever happens.  

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