
eBaum’s World 'Letter To Santa Contest' Winners Announcement

eBaum’s World 'Letter To Santa Contest' Announcement


Santa has finished reading your letters and has found one of you worthy of his generosity. This year Santa is feeling extra giving, so one of you will receive the gift of your choosing and one of you will receive a swag pack from Santa’s favorite website. But before we tell you who won, we want to take a look at the best submissions and show you just how close they came to winning.


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First, we have PapaPchan, whom after seven years of a miserable marriage and subsequent divorce asked for a Kindle Fire in hopes of winning over a new lady whom he is fond of. Papa said, “it’s not because I want to get laid, just that I want to get a potential new romance off to a good start”. Now Papa, if Santa has any advice, it’s to be honest and up-front from the beginning when starting any new relationship and bro, of course it’s about getting laid, even Santa can see through that lie.


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Second we have Klockwerk187, who had the unusual request of a $150 Victoria Secret gift card, not for his wife, girlfriend or love interest but for his SISTER. And to that, Santa say’s hell no, you creepy creepy dude, sorry, but Santa wants no part in helping you bang your own flesh and blood.


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Which leads us to our runner-up who will be receiving a special Christmas swag pack, Mclewis_13. Mr. Lewis asked for a personal fitness tracker to help him track his activity and motivate him to get into shape and for that, we will be sending him a medium eBaums World tee-shirt and a few pint glasses for him to drink either beer or protein shakes out of. The ball is in your court with this one bud, sorry!



And finally, the moment you have been waiting for, drum roll please . . . . . Santa always looks to reward those selfless enough to ask for gifts not for themselves but for those in need and BernieSlanders1 has gone above and beyond the call of giving. BernieSlanders1 in his letter to Santa asked for a snow blower for his Canadian friend and eBaum’s favorite, Seanxxxx3. The story goes that Sean was unable to go on a date with a woman because he couldn’t plow his driveway and as winter is only set to get worse, we here at eBaums World would like to give Sean the gift of a new snow blower so that he may get on with his dating life. So Sean, next time you see BernieSlanders1 in the comments give him a big thank you and good luck getting a second date!


A big thank you to everyone who participated and a Happy New Year from everyone here at eBaums World!


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