25 Photos of What Cracking Open a Cold One Looked Like...
- Nothing measures up to cracking open a cold one and...
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Woman Gets a Little Too Comfortable on Flight, Takes...
- Save the drinking for after you land.
Drunk Dude Pissing on the Ground Makes Perfect...
- This is German culture!
Drunk Dude Passes Out in Bush, Then Gets Pissed On
- A drunken night gone from bad to worse.
Dude Wakes Up to Discover He Ate the Whole Hotel...
- That’s the whole vacation budget spent.
Drunk Man Does Backflip, Then Gets Into Fight With...
- Just an average Wednesday in Russia.
Drunk Man Tries to Flee Cops, Runs Into Glass Door
- Sometimes, foiling crooks doesn’t take much.
Drunk Man Successfully Rips Tree Out of the Ground,...
- I think even *he* didn’t expect to be able to do...
Guatemalan Cops Caught Being Out of Their Minds on...
- Drugs? Alcohol? Both? I don’t know, but these guys...
Sheriff Arrested After Drunkenly Showing Up to Man’s...
- He’s since been indicted on two charges.
Vintage Video Shows People Arguing Against...
- No drinking and driving *and* you have to wear a...
Russian Dude Freaks Out on Airplane, Gets Subdued,...
- How long until they just completely ban booze on...
Dude Gets Knocked Over By Stream of Pressurized Beer
- What a delicious way to break a rib!
Woman’s DUI Arrest Video Will Make You Fall in Love
- Can you fix her?
Senior Citizens Angrily Protest the Alcohol Ban at...
- Let them drink!
College Students Learn the Dangers of Flaming Shots
- You’ve gotta blow them out first!
Friends Swap Man’s Whole Plumbing System Out with...
- It’s a common childhood fantasy to have a fruit...
Man’s Drunk Stumbling Perfectly Syncs With Freeform...
- This might actually get you into jazz!
Man Invents Machine to Power Chug a Beer
- Coming soon to a bar near you!
Australian Newscaster Chugs an Impromptu ‘Shoey’...
- What a quirky bunch those Aussies are.
Drunk Dude Falls For What Feels Like Forever
- C’mon, dude — just do it or don’t!
Bar Fight Gets Nice Country Soundtrack
- Swing your partner round and round, then swing your...
Vacationers Document Their First and Last Drinks of...
- “I’m just going to have one or two” are famous...
Pour a Glass: 21 Historical Photos Celebrating the End...
- Between Jan 17, 1920, and Dec 5, 1933, Americans were...
Every Wedding Needs This Emergency Vodka-Mobile
- I need 50cc's of Absolut, stat!
Fight Breaks Out After Woman Gets Accused of Drinking...
- If you take the last beer, you’ve gotta replace them.
32 Examples of ‘I'm Never Drinking Again'
- Sometimes we drink to lighten up and forget our daily...
18 Times When Someone Did Something Impressively...
- Caught in the act of dumbness.
34 Josh Memes Because It's Josh O'Clock Somewhere
- If you're drinking, you better be drinking Josh.
33 Wacked Out NFL Fans that Go All Out for Their Team
- How do you spend your Sundays?
Drunk Driver Who Killed Two People Can't Understand...
- The 24 year old pleaded guilty to four felony charges...
Christian Bride and Groom Freak Out Because Guest...
- Earlier this week, Away-Satisfaction660 took to the Am...
Drunk Dude Spears His Bro Into a Bonfire
- Don't play with alcohol fueled fire, it you don't want...
'Will it Protein Shake?': Guy Tries Everclear With...
- "To anyone who hasn’t drank everclear, this is more...
'Grand Theft Auto on Three!': People Steal Their Car...
- "If my friends don't help me steal my car back, I...
‘Make the Fucking Drink’: Startenders and...
- "Ima need the alcohol version of Salt Bae to calm down...
Bartenders Share Their Hilarious St. Patricks Day...
- The worst or best bartending day of the year,...
Spring Break Fight Club On the Beaches of Fort...
- It's that time of year again. The beaches are flooded...
Dude Gifts His Neighbor First Mad Dog in 10 Years to...
- Fred is the neighbor we all wish we had.
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