
20 Scientific Facts That People Don't Believe

It can be hard to break out of a belief system, especially if you've been raised in it. But once something is disproven beyond a shadow of a doubt, you're the fool if you keep believing it. From old theories to outdated wives' tales, here are 20 things that people just keep on believing despite all of the evidence to the contrary. 

Flat Earthers have become quite the meme recently, but on a very basic level, it's hard to believe they exist. Anyone who's ever flown in a plane should realize we live on a globe, not to mention the insane level of conspiracy that would need to persist to cover everything up. Every pilot, scientist, boat captain, weatherman, a general, new station and more would have to be lying to us. Not to mention all of Christopher Columbus who sailed the ocean blue way back when. I get just wanting to be contrarian, but if you want to do it that badly just tell everyone you think Aaron Rogers was better than Brady. 

For the rest of us living in the normal world, we'll let our beliefs be informed by people who actually know what they're talking about. Here are 20 disproven things that people need to stop believing. 

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