
24 People Share Their Strongly Held Beliefs That They Have Completely 180'd On

One of the marks of a smart person is their ability to take on new information and use it to change their previously held beliefs. By that logic, this collection of people is one of the most intelligent you could find since each and every one of them has completely about faced on a belief they previously held dear. Here are 22 people who have completely 180'd their strong stances. 

You either grew up in a mayonnaise house or a Miracle Whip house, and for better or for worse that experience has made a lasting impact on how you eat your sandwiches today. One person here describes what he thought was an intense hatred for mayonnaise; avoiding it at all costs. But once he reached adulthood, he realized that he'd come from a Miracle Whip house, and that the real thing is so much better. "It was the best sandwich of my life up to that point," he said. 

Like with Miracle Whip stans, dedicated pot-heads can be an annoying bunch. But it turns out you can enjoy a little devil's lettuce from time to time without it becoming your personality. "I was against weed," one person here wrote. "Now I get it why people love it so much." Read about them, and 22 others who changed their minds. 

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