23 Useful Bits of Advice From Our Elders
With age comes experience, and with experience comes knowledge.
Published 11 months ago in Funny
There is a reason that societies throughout human history have turned to their elders for wisdom. With age comes experience, and with experience comes knowledge, and while older people aren't always the best at keeping up with changing times, they've earned the benefits of hindsight. Some pieces of advice transcend the times and speak to the universal human experience, and these 23 older people turned to Ask Reddit to share some of theirs.
Managing money is something a lot of older people do more effectively than their youthful counterparts, aided in part by an aversion to impulsive purchases. "95% of everything being marketed to you is absolute trash that you don’t need," one person wrote. They're absolutely right, and one commenter responded with a fantastic rule of thumb. "If they have to advertise it to you, it's something you don't need." So you're saying I don't need a LEGO Venator-Class Republic Attack Cruiser?
Many elders will tell you to forget societal norms, and do what makes you happy. And while that sentiment is certainly expressed here, it comes with a caveat. Unfortunately, doing what makes you happy often doesn't bring much money with it, and money is a main source of stress in many households. Stability and security bring happiness too, and those unfortunately come with money.