
37 Funny Pics and Memes to Help You Fold Your Laundry

If you're having trouble completing life's simple tasks, let these fascinating photos and randoms give you the motivation. There's no shame in needing a couple of breaks to help you get everything done, and what better way to get your mind off of things than with a brain-numbing grouping of pics and memes?

If you're like me, then there is a huge pile of clothes on your desk chair that hasn't been cleared in recent memory and relegates all of my work-related activities away from the desk and into the bed. Sometimes the clothes are dirty, sometimes they're clean, and sometimes they're perfectly in-between. Where are you supposed to put clothes that have been lightly worn once or twice, but don't smell bad yet? I'm not going to put them with the squeaky clean clothes, but putting them in the dirty hamper will also ruin any future wear. To the chair, they go! And what about that fresh laundry that needs to be folded? Well, unless I have the time to do it, they're going on the chair too. 

Unfortunately, all that clothing clutter means even more stress, so it's time to clean it up. And that's what you'll do right after you click through this fun gallery of random photos, memes, and other images. 

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