38 Spam Texts So Funny You'll Want to Give Them an Apple Gift Card
Spam texts are evolving.
Published 4 months ago in Funny
Spam texts are evolving.
We’re all familiar with the ones asking us to vote, or the Nigerian prince who is constantly in trouble and needs our credit card or whatever. But it seems like the scammers have smartened up, and are adjusting their tactics to try and trick the elderly and stupid. Their new strategy is to be… just really weird.
A common spam email that’s been going around starts with “Hello Pervert,” which regardless of their evil intentions later stated, is an undeniably hilarious way to start an email. Others are inviting people to a seafood dinner, or say they’re in their apartment building. A few even go so far as to include a picture of an A.I. woman.
They’re fascinating, kind of scary and very funny.