
'I Don't Buy It' - 21 Things Some People Refuse to Believe

Humans are creatures of habit, and can have a hard time changing up those habits. Some of our strongest "habits" are our belief systems, and most people have an easier time staying steadfast in the face of undeniable evidence than they do just changing their mind. As a result, plenty of folks who started off with a bad opinion have carried those through to the present day. Here are 21 things that many people don't believe, even though they're definitely true

The moon landing is a topic that many conspiracy theorists love to debate, but if anyone still thinks that the United States didn't put people on the moon, Buzz Aldrin has a right hook for them. They love to talk about things like the footprints, the flat flag, the footage and all the rest, but under any actual examination that contains critical thought, those theories can be pushed aside. Why can't we celebrate one of humanity's greatest achievements? 

Moving from a national scale to a personal one, plenty of people have a hard time acknowledging when their dog is out of control. As a dog owner myself, I feel hyper aware as to the impact my dog can have on others. But some people, they just don't care. Here are 21 things many people can't acknowledge are real. 

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