Main Character Syndrome: 24 Entitled People Who Thing The World Revolves Around Them
Some people go through life thinking that they're the main character, and everyone else should be resigned to side quests and second class status.
Published 6 months ago in Facepalm
Some people go through life thinking that they're the main character, and everyone else should be resigned to side quests and second-class status. Those people would be known as entitled jack donkeys, but they don't much care what we call them. Still, their antics can be fun to laugh at when they don't involve you directly, so here are 24 of them who have crossed the line.
We should do everything in our power to help military members and their families, but that doesn't mean that military spouses should get free reign wherever they go. There is an infamous photo of a military wife complaining that she didn't get free drinks at a restaurant, but as bad as that is, a new photo shows one claiming status as a US Navy veteran on a job application. No, you're a liar is what you are.