Windsurfer Gets Body-Slammed By Whale and Dragged...
- Nature is fighting back and so far, we humans are...
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Get Shot In a Mass Shooting? You're Stuck With the...
- The only thing worse than getting shot during a mass...
The Bath Salts Zombie Guy Was Not Actually on Bath...
- It’s notoriously difficult to pin down the origins...
‘What Was Going on Back Then?’: Drivers Used to...
- Things used to be simpler.
‘I Wouldn’t Get Too Spun Up About This Particular...
- Recently, Russia conducted drills and simulated a...
Fancy Friday: 20 Sleazy Pics That Will Have Your Eyes...
- Fridays are a day to get fancy... just not while...
Lane-Splitting Motorcyclist Is Lucky to Be Alive After...
- Lane-splitting is one of those things that...
‘The Fifth Loco’: Panera’s Charged Lemonade...
- Despite boasting 65 grams of sugar, Panera Bread’s...
Looking Back at 14 of History’s Most Insane Scams
- Let's be honest, everything as an adult feels like a...
'He's Drunk AF': Tipsy Driver Nearly Bulldozes...
- Though a hammered Houston driver may have stayed off...
People Think They Found a Mermaid in Papua New Guinea
- Back in September, residents of Simberi Island in...
'Stay There! I Got Everything!': Thieves Force Man's...
- This exercise in Murphy’s Law was an unfortunate...
21 Facepalms and Fails Chock Full of Foolishness
- Some funny tomfoolery for your Friday!
29 Cringey Pics and Funny Fails that Made Our Skin...
- I'm not sure what is running through their mind when...
What the Hell Is ‘Malk,’ and Why Are These High...
- If you Google “malk” — first of all, why? —...
Absolute Madlad Comes Out of Hiding During Texas Fair...
- What would you do during a mass shooting?
Charred Aftermath Paints Grim Picture of I-55 Pileup...
- New Orleans recently experienced what’s called a...
Off-Duty Pilot Tried to Hijack a Flight to San...
- Ever since 9/11, flight hijackings have largely become...
18 Conversations That Prove Food Delivery Is the Wild...
- In the world of customer service jobs, I feel like we...
Urban Explorers Find a Nuclear Fallout Shelter in the...
- Paranoia during the Cold War led to a lot of weird...
20 News Headlines Proving the Internet Is Still a...
- We've collected some of the most insane news stories...
'HR is Not Your Friend': Company Tells Dude Who Was...
- If you're upset that work is taking you away from your...
Woman Films Airplane Engine Exploding Mid-Flight Over...
- Despite accidents being incredibly rare, having a fear...
Are Wannabe Chads Smashing Themselves in the Face With...
- Since we live in a society, it’s fairly impossible...
38 Funny Memes, Tweets, and Pics
- A nice smattering of the best kind of content the...
'Get Off Of Me!': Man Forcibly Removed From Atlanta...
- The only thing worse than navigating airport security?...
Angry Family of Murdered Teen Beat Alleged Killer For...
- One grieving family decided that justice was a dish...
Weird Wednesday: 22 Creepy Pics That Will Make You Ask...
- It's Wednesday my dudes, and that means it's time to...
21 Fails to Make Yourself Feel Better About Your Own...
- A collection of embarrassing fails that miss the mark...
'I’m Just Trying To Do My Job': Female Cashier Films...
- The only thing worse than navigating annoying,...
Incompetent Hiring Manager Wastes References' Time –...
- This series of four emails goes off the rails when a...
'We're Not That Kind of Establishment': Florida Man...
- Want to work in Florida? Not if you’re gay!
'We Would Talk Every Single Day’: OnlyFans Model...
- “Stepdad, what are you doing?” That’s the...
12 Bad Boss Horror Stories in Honor of National 'Boss'...
- Oh, you think your boss stinks? It could be way, way...
The Worst Bad Bosses of the Week October 16, 2023
- There are as many bad bosses as there are jobs to be...
Wedding Planner Shames Woman Who Wore a Wedding Dress...
- "Did you think that was the bride?" That's how Cari...
How a Girl and Her BFF Set Up the Perfect Cheater Sting
- Fantasies of getting revenge on an ex or catching a...
Watch a Wasp Try and Reattach Its Severed Head
- Wasps. Most people hate them. But why people hate them...
22 Crazy Posts From Crazy People on LinkedIn
- Except, all of these guys are hypocritical losers who...
Bing’s A.I. Goes Full Fascist After Being Asked to...
- There’s been a lot of low-level anxiety about the...
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