Meet the Fastest Man on Four Legs
- Here I am still running on two legs like an idiot.
Media videos
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Watch the Terrifying Insanity of an Invisible Methanol...
- It may look like nothing’s happening, but that’s...
Disabled Music Producer Uses His Tongue and Lips to...
- Ladies, this is your man!
Deion Sanders’ Backyard Is Next Level
- And apparently, it’s only gotten bigger.
He’s Unshockable: This Guy Climbs and Ziplines...
- The trick is to not touch the electrified wires — or...
Meet ‘Wild Bill,’ the Dirt Biker Who Does Tricks...
- Hello, Bill!
Watch Some Dudes Explode a Basketball
- The noise it makes is something else.
Oxygen Tanker Explodes, Causes A Torrential Downpour...
- Look at all the colors!
Here's What It's Like to Drive a Boat Through a Water...
- Warning: don’t do this.
Here’s How Long It Would Take to Fill the Grand...
- It’s longer than you’d think!
The World's Largest Water Tasting Competition Is...
- I’m going to guess it all tasted like water.
Here’s What Lava Sounds Like
- You know what it looks like — but do you know how it...
Treat-Boy Criminal Breaks Into Gelato Store, Gives...
- It’s hard to commit robbery on an empty stomach.
Man Coming Out of Prison for the First Time in 30...
- Just wait until you see all the new porn they’ve got!
Prisoner Caught Catching Drugs and Cell Phone from...
- Special delivery!
Paraglider Explains What She Does If She Needs to Pee
- All of your paragliding questions, answered!
Man Says He’s Manipulating Reality to Win on...
- And according to him, it’s working!
This New ‘Flying Car’ Is Hideous Looking
- Wow, this sucks!
People With the Name ‘James Bond’ Talk About How...
- Still better than being named Adolf.
Mount Etna Just Erupted Again, and Now People Are...
- How cool is that?
The Limbo Skating World Record Is a Wedgie-Inducing...
- Get your spandex on, we’re headed as close to the...
Watch a Bunch of Dudes Throw Construction Equipment...
- It’s oddly peaceful, isn’t it?
Astronaut Shows How Easy It Is to Get Stuck in Space
- How frustrating!
Meet the Influencer Who Spent $140k to Look Like a...
- For that price, you could probably just buy a robot.
Cops Chase Down Drug-Dealing Suspect While on Horseback
- Is that why they’ve got horses?
Watch a Bunch of Musicians Re-Record Their Songs in...
- Somehow, the makers of The Sims convinced them to...
Here’s How People Reacted to ‘The Exorcist’ When...
- It was a lot of fainting and leaving the theater.
Welcome to the World of ‘Car Hawking’, aka...
- Scare away the pests (and your neighbors).
Wild Emu Escapes, Gets Corralled by Group of Amish...
- Lots of questions about this one.
China’s New Car Can Parallel Park You In Sideways
- Save this for the shitty driver in your life!
Here’s What Happens When You Grab a Cable With...
- I dare say that it’s pretty… shocking.
Meet India’s Fastest and Strangest Repair Man
- He’ll fix your items lightning quick (I think).
Nunchuck Master Juggles Ping Pong Balls Like...
- He’s really going for it!
Snowball Fight Breaks Out in Prison
- This wasn’t what they meant when they said “Can...
Turns Out You Can Get a VIP Table at Popeyes
- For those times when you want to ball out but you’re...
This Is What It’s Like to Live in the World’s...
- This one building was home to around 20,000 people.
Watch the Government’s $1,000 Shrimp Treadmill Video
- Look at him go!
Woman with U-Cup Boobs Explains How She Sleeps
- In case you were wondering.
Remembering Mexico’s 'Emo vs. Punk' Brawl
- It was teens with dyed hair and black skinny jeans vs....
People Are Now Doing Illegal Street Takeovers with...
- Turns out you don’t need a car to tear up the road.
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