Self-Defense Instructor Dale Brown Is Going to Get...
- The internet has been making fun of Dale BRown's...
Media videos
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Donkey Goes Nuts After Getting a Ball For Christmas
- One proud father from Greenwood, Arkansas turned this...
Cheating GF Gets Christmas Surprise
- Bye, Felicia.
Local Movie Theater Caught Using Amazon Prime
- What the hell is going on here? You mean to tell me...
Chef Demonstrates Proper Technique to Saber a...
- Celebrate the New Year in style by properly executing...
GoPro's 'Best of 2021' Is Pretty Thrilling
- Despite everything that happened this year, people...
Washington Defenders Scuffle on Sideline During...
- Everything's falling apart for the Washington Football...
Fox News is Indistinguishable From Idiocracy
- The depiction of Fox News in the movie Idiocracy is...
2021's Trending Google Searches by State
- V1 Analytics collected Google's trending search data...
Kayaker Handles Oncoming Wave Like a Pro
- This Norwegian kayaker clearly knows his stuff and...
Manager Gives Fussy Response When Woman Requests...
- Some people just aren't human.
Williams-Sonoma Follows Suit And Holds a Mass-Firings...
- Apparently, they didn't get the memo from Sears and...
Radiohead's 'Creep' Sung to the Tune of 'All I Want...
- This mash-up works surprisingly well together.
At 360lbs, Connor Williams is the Biggest Player in...
- He only played for four minutes but was able to make...
Keanu Reeves Finally Talks About 'Sad Keanu' Memes,...
- Keanu Reeves sits down with Stephen Colbert and is...
Viral Video of Woman Breastfeeding Cat Is Clearly Fake
- The viral video of a woman being filmed breastfeeding...
Watch as F15 Eagles Perform a Super Low Flyby for...
- The Panthers 494the squadron from RAF Lakenheath Came...
Bill Nye Warns of ‘Doomsday Glacier’ So That’s...
- Educator, Bill Nye warns Americans about 'Doomsday...
Keanu Reeves’ First TV Spot for Coca-Cola Is the...
- We all know Keanu Reeves for his work on such films as...
Serial Police Impersonator Jeremy Dewitte Arrested...
- Dewitte has had over 55 different criminal court cases...
Jaguars Fan Runs Perfect Route to Endzone, Gets Leveled
- An eager Jaguars fan was apparently showing off his...
Charlamagne Asks Kamala Harris Who The Real President...
- Well, that was awkward.
'Matrix Awakens' Demo on the Unreal Engine 5 Looks...
- It's not a full-fledged game, but it's definitely...
How the People of Siberia Survive -95 Degree Weather...
- Without the proper clothing, it’s easy to freeze to...
Husband Challenges Complaining Wife to Try and Pee...
- After his wife kept complaining of his poor aim at the...
Elon Musk's Starlink Satellites Seen from Inside an...
- A video claims that passengers on this commercial...
Yelp Caught Exploiting Tragedy With A Charity Scam
- Yelp received backlash over the weekend for promoting...
This Angle of Jake Paul's Knockout Blow to Tyron...
- The final punch in round 6 of 10 that sent the MMA...
25 of the Greatest Punches in History
- Check out this compilation of 25 of the most memorable...
The Most Insane Interstellar Cover on Public Piano
- Check out this awesome rendition of the Interstellar...
'Drug Recognition Experts' Can Arrest You for DUI Even...
- A tactic to help fight against drunk and drugged...
‘Karen and Cry’ Latest Entitlement Tactic, Woman...
- In a viral TikTok video a wild Karen appears, running...
87-Year-Old Farmer in 1929 Offers His Wisdom
- He's not really sure what to make of some of this...
Rémi Gaillard is Back with one of His Greatest Pranks
- UFOs spotted in France! Check out this...
‘Death Diving’ in Norway Is Just as Insane as It...
- A popular extreme sport in Norway, 'Death Diving' is...
Trauma Surgeon Explains ‘Home Alone’ Injuries,...
- Annie Onishi breaks down Marv's foot injury caused by...
Frankie Muniz Addresses Memory Loss Rumors on...
- It's weird seeing 'Malcolm in the Middle' all grown up...
Hockey Fans Belt Blink-182 ‘All the Small Things'
- The crossover of Avalanche fans and Blink fans is...
Dog Filmed Driving Down the Freeway Alone in Tesla
- We get it, Teslas have an 'auto-drive' feature. But...
Tesla's Self-Drive Mode vs. 'Deadliest Road in America'
- YouTuber CGP Grey pitted Tesla's latest self-driving...
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