Fireman's Demonstration Turns into Chaos as he Spreads...
- the exercise organized by the fire brigade to warn...
Media videos
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Biker Who Crashes into Van Sticks the Landing
- He did a front flip over the hood but manages to land...
Digital Artist Beeple On NFTs & His Whopping $69...
- Digital artist, Beeple, just sold a collection of his...
4 Early Drafts of Justice League Members Too Wild For...
- Such as Wonder Woman’s love of BDSM, and...
Was Alex Jones Right about Chemicals in Our Water...
- What's really in our drinking water?
Camaro Drag Racer Goes Airborne but Sticks the Landing
- This drag race could have been disastrous but luck was...
You Should Always Wear a Helmet While Rock Climbing as...
- A rock climber has a close call, but luckily had his...
The Difference in Sound Between Cellos Worth $5k,...
- Can you hear the difference?
Skier Pulls off One WTF Move after Another
- Where's the slam footage?
Idiot Tech Support Scammers Get OWNED by Glitter Bomb
- A fake Amazon support scammer and his accomplices get...
Sherriff's Deputies Arrest Corrupt HOA Security Guard...
- An HOA Security Guard who has issued fraudulent...
Spring Breaker Sprung by Crowd after Being Arrested
- Cops showed up to disperse an unruly maskless crowd...
10 UFO's Filmed From Passengers On Commercial Airlines
- This eerie video show several that resemble the "tic...
When Dad Used to Ride BMX and Asks to See Your Bike
- Does X Games have a seniors division?
California Man's Firework Stash Goes Up In Flames
- A stockpile of Fireworks goes off with a bang as...
Imprisoned Idiot Interrupts Judge to Fire Lawyer for...
- He thinks he'd make a better lawyer.
Deer Yeets Itself into Garage Door Just for Fun
- Mother nature at its finest.
Dude on Podcast Thought Wind Turbines were Fans to...
- A funny short clip from "The 90's Room" where one of...
Doorbell Cam Captures Plane Crash in Suburban...
- A small plane has crashed next to North Perry Airport...
Flaming Shot Turns Frat Boy into Fire-Breathing Dragon
- He gets an A+ for this for sure.
Guy Launches an Anvil 100 ft. into the Air like...
- He says women always ask why he does this, but men...
Dude at Bruins Game Accidentally Spills Food onto Very...
- I mean, no one likes getting s**t spilled on them, but...
Guy Handles Getting His Car Hit in the Nicest Way...
- His karma points must be through the roof.
Blowing into a Crowd Control Barrier Sounds like a...
- Bravo, my guy. Now try playing it like a fiddle.
Elton John Accepts Challenge to Write Song about Ovens...
- Does pre-heating my oven count as foreplay?
Bus Driver Explains Why School Buses Have Black Lines...
- Even the school bus can be educational.
Man's Tesla Saves Him From Armed Carjacking Attempt
- The Tesla's flush door handles prevented the carjacker...
British Chick Tries Ranch Dressing For the First Time...
- A self-proclaimed 'typical Brit' has been opened up to...
Strange Looking Creature Captured Transforming on...
- Amazing ROV footage (remotely operated vehicle) of a...
Video of the Time an Armed Gunman Barged into a KNBC...
- An obscure video that shows a gunman forcing his way...
This Dude Explains How He Sold a 'Homer Pepe' NFT for...
- Meet Peter Kell, self proclaimed "YOLO investor", and...
Armless Man Splits Logs with No Problem
- This guy offers a new definition to the word 'necking.'
Meghan Markle Was Discussing Sexism on Nickelodeon at...
- However you might feel about her, you gotta give her...
60 Foot Wave Smashes into Warship Near Antarctica
- During a patrol search against illegal fishing of...
YouTube Chef Trashes Gordon Ramsay's Grilled Cheese,...
- Ooooh, Gordy's gotta be mad about this one!
Guy's Touch-Free Drinking Method Is Drunken Ingenuity
- Legend has it this man is drunk right now.
Jeremy Clarkson Talks about the Time he Punched Piers...
- A short clip from a BBC show where Clarkson talks...
Overly Epic Drone Shot May Make People Throw Up
- Even if you're not a camera nerd this looks pretty...
Dave Grohl Beams With Pride as Daughter, Violet, Joins...
- I love how Dave instantly goes from 'Legendary Rocker'...
Guy Knows Answer to $1 Million Question but Walks...
- This still keeps him up at night.
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