Mom Walks In On Daughter Twerking
- And I'll be damned if she doesn't steal the show.
Media videos
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Russian Bomber Explodes During Takeoff
- Maybe someone accidentally filled it with vodka...
Twin Towers Were Rigged With Explosives
- 911 conspiracy theory using reason, science and facts...
Taylor Swift Fires Back At Kanye During the 2016...
- Taylor Swift delivers a very passive aggressive...
Just Driving Down The Road When Suddenly...
- A wild tree whore appears!
A Beautiful Ancient Swedish Herding Call
- Known as a "Kulning" it creates an odd yet soothing...
Lady Gaga's Absolutely Brilliant David Bowie Tribute
- Could anyone else have paid homage to David Bowie?...
Excited Monkey Gets Money To Buy His Favorite Drink
- And he wants his drink.
Father Saves Son From A Near Death Experience
- Kid gets himself buried alive while skiing but dad...
Spectacular Drone Footage Of A TV Tower Repairman
- A 1500 foot climb just to change a lightbulb!
Fireworks Attached To A Balloon, What Could Go Wrong?
- A town's firework-balloon malfunctions and rains down...
This Is What Virtual Reality Actually Looks Like
- For those who have yet to experience it.
Guy Pranks Girlfriend with Fake Valentine's Day...
- That's pretty harsh, he may be sleeping on the couch...
Man Tries to Steal Every Piece of Makeup in CVS
- The never ending pants.
Overcrowded Night Club Causes Disaster
- Few too many crazy people.
Girlfriend Gets Screenshots of Her Cheating As a...
- She thinks she's coming over for an intimate night,...
The Most Satisfying Video On The Internet
- Its like a visual dosage of your OCD medication.
The Moment When 1,400 People Lost Their Jobs
- Take a guess where the company is relocating?
It's Now Illegal To Offend Someone Near A College...
- This cop says yes and gives this guy a ticket!
Biker Over Does It With The Brakes
- This is what happens what you hit the front brakes too...
Guy On Dirtbike Rescues Man Pinned Under 4 Wheeler
- While out for a ride this man noticed an overturned...
Gamer Conducts A Social Experiment In Betrayal
- Man people are such dicks, even after you give them a...
Man Rescues Woman And Her Child From Sinking Car
- A selfless act gives this woman and her kid a second...
What Happens If You Throw Beer Onto A Racetrack?
- He's lucky that's all he got for that stupid stunt.
Parking Garage Demolition Goes Horribly Wrong
- Houston, I think we have a problem....
Cruise Ship Hit By 30 Foot Waves During Storm
- A couple films from inside their room as the ship is...
This Guy Vapes a 400 Watt Fog Machine
- Of course he owns a lizard.
This Why You Avoid The Beach During A Storm
- Natural selection is alive and well.
Road Raging Asshole Almost Runs Over Dirt Biker
- Whatever this guy did he sure pissed off this driver.
The Biggest Remote Controlled Airplane on Planet Earth
- A remote controlled Boeing 747-400 replica!
Leopard Breaks Into School in India, Mauls 6 People
- A wild leopard entered a school attacked several...
Guy Plays Metal Barrier Like A Flute
- I guess music really is everywhere!
Eli Manning Looks Crushed After His Brother Wins...
- That sibling rivalry must run deep. Or Eli had money...
Lady Gaga Nailed The National Anthem At Super Bowl 2016
- Love her or hate her, she absolutely crushed it.
Man Tries To Pet a Grizzly Bear and Gets Attacked
- A stupid, stupid man.
Crane Collapses in Lower Manhattan Killing One Person
- Caught on camera: Watch as a crane collapses in Lower...
Guy On Jeopardy Goes Beastmode In The Sports Category
- Looks like Chris knows his shit!
Hidden Camera Exposes The "Gun Show Loophole"
- Politicians like to throw around the phrase "gun show...
Epic Airsoft Game Played In A Real Life Video Game...
- Never thought I'd say epic and Airsoft in the same...
New Osprey Suppressor Makes Gun Insanely Quiet
- "They loudest part is when it hits the steel."
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