DMCA - Christmas Car Surprise For The Wife
- This husband just won Christmas.
Media videos
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Fastest Way To Get Through Customs
- Just go away already!
Molten Copper vs Antifreeze Engine Coolant
- Holy shit, this one rules.
Giant Squid Swims Alongside Divers
- The owner of a Japanese diving shop, swims alongside...
Just Parked The Car, Be Out In A Second...
- There are some cars you shouldn't buy, no matter how...
Putting Gasoline Into A Diesel Car
- Kids, don't try this at home.
Crazy Racist Woman Accuses 2 Guys Of Being Terrorists
- A batshit-crazy woman goes off on two Brazilian guys....
Phuc Long and His Silenced Glock
- Phuc explains some Glock history and proper use with a...
Fireman Catches On Fire And Jumps Out Of Window
- Raw footage of a Firefighter narrowly escaping a...
Game of Thrones: A Bad Lip Reading
- Welcome to "Medieval Land Fun-Time World", enjoy the...
Spinning Shit In MMA
- A compilation of hellacious spinning techniques seen...
Roberta Mancino Splits Skyscrapers In Wing-suit
- You know you live in an amazing world when videos like...
Small Boat Nearly Crushed By Tanker
- A brief moment of panic when their life flashed before...
Molten Aluminum Vs Water Beads
- A fish tank packed with water balls produces a really...
Student Blows Smoke In Teacher's Face
- Kid interrupts during the middle of class to give his...
Steve Harvey Announces Wrong Winner At Miss Universe...
- Miss Colombia becomes the victim of mistaken...
DMCA - Amazing Coca-Cola Christmas Gift Bow
- Coke made a special holiday bottle that is awesome!
Badass Shotgun On Steroids
- You definitely don't wanna be on the receiving end of...
LeBron James Crushes and Lands on Lady
- You gotta be ready for anything in that front row!
Star Wars: A Bad Lip Reading
- Vader keeps texting Leia, while Ben continues his...
Kevin McCallister 25 Years Later
- Apparently he's still got some issues with being left...
Mom Wins Free Tuition After Lucky Bounce
- She tosses up a half-court airball, but obviously had...
10 Conspiracy Theories That Turned Out To Be True
- Crazy ideas and far-fetched stories that ended up...
Quickest MMA Knockout Ever
- Only took 1.1 seconds to knock him out.
Fire Challenge Goes As Expected
- Two girls come very close to becoming Darwin Award...
"For The Undying 9/11 Jet Fuel Argument"
- This guy is very frustrated with the "jet fuel doesn't...
Model Girlfriend Likes To Be Treated Like Sh*t
- A gorgeous glamour model with an asshat of a boyfriend.
Insane Police Chase Ends In A Shootout
- Intense footage of an incident that happened in...
Employee Subdues Axe-Wielding Robber
- A brave employee gives a would-be thief a free trip to...
Spectacular Star Wars Themed Christmas Light Show
- An awesome light show that got this home featured on...
Two Chiliheads Eat the World's Strongest Chili Pepper,...
- The bearded guy is trying to keep it all in by...
Guy Back From Jail Spits Dope Fire
- He sharpened his rap skills while in jail.
My Homie Goes To Jail, I Go To Jail
- Looks like these two wannabe badasses are having a...
The Future Of Shoplifting Is Here!
- A man riding a 'hoverboard' glides out the door with a...
Stanley Kubrick Admits He Helped Fake The Moon Landings
- A shocking confessional in which Kubric fesses up to...
DMCA - Hey... I Want A Slap Too!
- In this house, everyone lines up for booty slaps.
Instant Karma For Impatient Idiot
- How can anyone be so oblivious?
This Spray-Paint Dipped Deer Skull Looks Pretty Awesome
- An art project you can do without your neighbors...
Big Fish Gets Swallowed Whole
- That awkward moment when the new guy eats you in front...
Easily The Worst Half Court Shot Ever
- Her attempt at a half-court short for $250,000 dollars...
eBaum's Picks