Bungee Jump Gone Wrong
- Looks like someone didn't measure properly...
Media videos
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Massive Fireball From Space in Thailand
- Awestruck commuters witnessed the spectacle.
Red Hot Nickel Ball Vs. Jello
- I love watching red hot nickel balls melting things!
DMCA - How To Get Out Of A Tight Parking Spot
- Next time you can't maneuver out of a tight space,...
10 Amazing Science Tricks Using Liquid
- Cool tricks you can do at home. Get your science on!
Catching A Fish With A Drone
- Guy catches a Bluegill using his drone. This might be...
Guy's Epic Rant To All The "Cop Haters"
- I think it needs a few more F-bombs. (NSFW Language)
Dog Reacts To Baby Sister's Arrival
- A woman tells the family dog the news of a new tiny...
Justin Bieber Owns The Drums
- Justin vs. Questlove in a drum-off on The Tonight Show...
Strange Object in The Skies Over Florida
- A man records what he thinks is a missile in the sky.
DMCA - Let's Play "Guess What Happens Next"
- So majestic.
Whites Only Sink In Hotel
- Looks like segregation is still present in some areas...
Good Guy Policeman Looks Out For Dog
- Just helping out this little guy on his way home from...
Flying Humanoid UFO Captured On Camera
- A group of UFO enthusiasts filmed this sighting on...
Teen Steals From Elderly Woman In Store
- After creating a distraction, this little scumbag...
Drunk Idiot Plays With Cops And Gets Tazed
- Guy runs from cops while drinking beer and gets a nice...
Elephant Attack Captured on GoPro
- A scary moment for passengers when an elephant rams...
Dashcam Captures Near Fight And Car Theft
- Meanwhile at Circle K in Phoenix, Arizona...
Father Attacks Daughter's Killer In Court
- A grieving dad attacks the man accused of killing his...
Why I'm Never Going in The Ocean Again
- That shark is so scary, even Australians were afraid...
The Ultimate Backflip on Water
- Because on land is too easy.
Guy Jumps on And Surfs a Subway Train
- Don't try this at home...A ride on the roof of the...
Saxophone Inside An Empty Warehouse
- His skills and the natural echo make for a truly...
Why Wrestling Being Fake Doesn't Matter
- A great explanation for the next time some jackass...
Multiple UFO's Seen Coming To Earth
- Amateur footage of unidentified flying objects...
US & Korea Live Fire Military Exercise
- I'm kind of digging the soundtrack for WW3.
Men Rescue Woman From Abusive Husband
- A battered woman is saved by two men in the parking...
Middleschool QB Cartwheels Out Of A Sack
- His ninja-like moves help him evade the sack and throw...
Cameraman Takes Out Usain Bolt
- This guy's cool segway camera shot just became a close...
Ex Porn Star Shares Her Horror Story of Being In The...
- Being a porn star can come with a lot of problems.
Man Stops A Lunatic Driving Recklessly
- He's being called a hero for stopping this driver...
Amazing Footage of a Massive Iceberg Breaking Apart
- An enormous chunk of ice splits in two on camera.
Lightning Strikes Delta Airplane
- An airplane waiting to take off is struck by lightning.
Reporter And Cameraman Murdered During Live TV...
- A WDBJ live report ends in gunshots after a gunman...
Girl Leg Locks Her Man To Stop Fight
- This guy better thank her after he sobers up!
Swedish Model Told She's "Too Big"
- This gorgeous model was told her butt and hips are too...
Low Hanging Bridge Obliterates Box Truck
- A low bridge in Massachusetts claims another victim.
This Trick Shot Doesn't End How You Think
- It doesn't end that other way either. It's like an M....
F35 Fires 181 Rounds In Seconds
- That's a LOT of bullets.
Psycho Chick Destroys Supermarket
- That wine must have gone bad or something...
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