Drunk Man Performs Impressive Shoulder Throw on Cop,...
- An intoxicated Wisconsin man was caught on camera...
Media videos
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Ally Law Snuck into a Concert and Made a Daring Escape...
- Ally Law and his boys (except for one) make a break...
4 Beloved Movie Characters Who (Secretly) Ruined...
- Everybody loves Spiderman and Bill & Ted and also...
Madden 22 Is Janky AF, Player Loses on Unrealistic TD...
- No big deal, just a casual 76 yard touchdown run by...
Olympian's High Dive Nearly Ended in a Brutal Injury...
- This guy comes way too close for comfort to spilling...
Third Baseman Predicts Entire Play before It Happens
- Savannah Bananas third baseman, Bill LeRoy was mic'd...
'Spider-Man: No Way Home' Trailer Officially Released...
- After a series of leaks threatened to blow the lid on...
Paul Rudd's Acting Debut Was a 1991 Ad for Super...
- How the f**k does he still look basically the same?
Pigeon Lays Egg in Owl Nest, Regrets It Come Nightfall
- A pigeon stumbles upon a barn owl's nest and decides...
Intense Flooding in Tennessee Leaves Nothing but...
- Footage of the destruction caused by flooding in...
Onlooker Captures Footage of Train Crash Stunt From...
- Locals of Derbyshire, England were treated to a rather...
Is This the Worst Haunted House / Dark Ride Ever?
- Reithoffer Shows Came to the Northeast Fair with a...
Guy Finds Some Crazy Easter Eggs After Watching Joker...
- Youtuber The Canadian Lad sat down and watched Joker...
Why I Stream Minecraft in Drag
- F1NN5TER is the online handle of a popular Twitch...
Man Doesn’t See Edge of Cliff Right in Front of Him,...
- This dude is just having the time of his life when all...
Dog Walking on Rope Is the Coolest Thing We’ve Seen...
- This pupper deserves all the belly rubs. Balancing on...
Athletic Babe's Backflip to Split Combo is a Sight to...
- This talented beauty just got the attention of every...
Why Are Misspelled Memes So Funny?
- Memes are constantly evolving in strange and...
High School Football Team Pulls off One of the Best...
- During a kickoff return this team pulled off some...
BBC Exposes 'Psychics' by Using Fake Ghost Story
- The way they try to laugh it off after getting caught...
YouTuber Dances with Hydraulic Press and We’re...
- In a compilation of dance videos, YouTuber Smac...
Guy Attempting to Flee From Police 'GTA Style' Gets a...
- This dude managed to escape the initial arrest, steal...
Customer Plants a Camera to Find Out Why All Their...
- Every package they have received since moving into...
Crabs Swim Way Faster Than We Imagined
- I guess I just assumed they keep scuttling around down...
Woman Does Not Miss, Hits Half Court Shot to Win a New...
- Honestly I don't know what I'd want more, a new car or...
Boston Dynamics' Bots Get Scarier, Do Parkour Now
- These new bots threaten to completely upend our...
Road Rage Is Very Real, Driver Throws Pickaxe at...
- We have no idea what started this, but you don't...
Sledders Almost Clipped by Oncoming Traffic, Lucky to...
- Possibly the luckiest people we've ever seen. Sledding...
Epic Dad Jumps into Alligator Pool, Saves Handler
- A child was having a birthday party at a reptile zoo...
Ethical Hacker With 30 Years of Experience Shares His...
- Well, that's not unnerving at all.
Dudes Attach Diesel-Powered Car Engine to Their Canoe,...
- Good luck issuing these dudes a ticket.
Log Truck Causes Car Accident, and That Scene from...
- The anxiety-inducing crash from the thriller series...
Lion Waits outside of Front Door, Not a Happy Camper
- When in Africa. This guy just needs to get outside,...
Trail Camera Captures an Awesome Grizzly Bear Fight in...
- A couple of massive brown bears, in Finland, fight it...
Florida Sheriff Doesn't Hold Back and Lets the Zingers...
- Sherriff Grady Judd doesn't mince words. Check out...
Dutch Town Plays 'Ace of Spades' on 15th-Century...
- Lemmy would be proud.
Large Tree Branch Nearly Takes Out Bride & Groom On...
- A newlywed couple sitting in a park have a close call...
Dude Puts Wooden Wheels on Car, Let the Games Begin
- There's a reason that we as humans have adapted to...
Dude Builds DIY Fire Pit and Now We Want to Make One
- I never saw the end coming. But, now I really want to...
Entire Factory of Fireworks Explodes in India
- What happens when fireworks literally catch fire? Well...
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