Elton John Accepts Challenge to Write Song about Ovens...
- Does pre-heating my oven count as foreplay?
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21 Former CIA and FBI Employees Reveal What It Was...
- The name's Bond. Jimothy Bond.
Bus Driver Explains Why School Buses Have Black Lines...
- Even the school bus can be educational.
Man's Tesla Saves Him From Armed Carjacking Attempt
- The Tesla's flush door handles prevented the carjacker...
Thread Proves That Aging Has Definitely Changed
- Did people from the past look older when they were...
79 Damn Fine Funny Pics and Dank Memes
- The weekend is here so make sure you take some time...
British Chick Tries Ranch Dressing For the First Time...
- A self-proclaimed 'typical Brit' has been opened up to...
16 Strange Word Origins That No One Would Expect
- Bet you didn't know where all these words came from.
50 Funny Dragon's Dogma Character Creations
- Dragon's Dogma Dark Arisen character sliders that will...
16 Intriguing Infographics With Interesting Information
- You may just learn something.
20 Bethesda Games Coming to Xbox GamePass
- Microsoft's acquisition of Bethesda is official and...
15 Cool but Totally Pointless Video Games Details
- Every now and then, games come up with the most...
Strange Looking Creature Captured Transforming on...
- Amazing ROV footage (remotely operated vehicle) of a...
Cancelled Canon: 15 Japanese Games Too Explicit For US...
- A surprising number of bizarre and violent Japanese...
Video of the Time an Armed Gunman Barged into a KNBC...
- An obscure video that shows a gunman forcing his way...
30 Things the Pandemic Ruined
- Remember Mardi Gras?
This Dude Explains How He Sold a 'Homer Pepe' NFT for...
- Meet Peter Kell, self proclaimed "YOLO investor", and...
26 Honest Questions from British People to Americans
- Some of these we don't even know the answer to.
Armless Man Splits Logs with No Problem
- This guy offers a new definition to the word 'necking.'
22 People Who Had a Bad Day
- That's rough, buddy.
49 Funny Pics and Memes to Wet Your Whistle
- Enjoy a random assortment from across the web.
Meghan Markle Was Discussing Sexism on Nickelodeon at...
- However you might feel about her, you gotta give her...
38 Husbands and Wives Who Might Be Fed-up With Their...
- Marriage and relationships definitely have their ups...
60 Foot Wave Smashes into Warship Near Antarctica
- During a patrol search against illegal fishing of...
36 Talented People Who Created Some Amazing Things
- When creativity and talent come together the results...
29 People No One Would Ever Invite Back to Their House
- Some of these stories are just brutal.
YouTube Chef Trashes Gordon Ramsay's Grilled Cheese,...
- Ooooh, Gordy's gotta be mad about this one!
Salesman Makes Good on Promise to Have Manager's Job...
- This is how to successfully put a bad manager in check.
Meyers Leonard Suspended After Using Anti-Semitic Slur...
- While playing Call of Duty: Warzone, Miami Heat center...
Guy's Touch-Free Drinking Method Is Drunken Ingenuity
- Legend has it this man is drunk right now.
15 Mistakes That Nearly Ended Nintendo
- It’s kind of a miracle Nintendo is still around....
50 Snacks From the 80s We Just Can't Forget About
- Vintage snacks that taste of days gone by.
Jeremy Clarkson Talks about the Time he Punched Piers...
- A short clip from a BBC show where Clarkson talks...
The 15 Most Iconic Kills and Deaths in Video Game...
- Video games are known for coming up with new and...
Overly Epic Drone Shot May Make People Throw Up
- Even if you're not a camera nerd this looks pretty...
72 Great Pics and Spectacular Photos Just For You
- As we make our way through another week it's important...
Dave Grohl Beams With Pride as Daughter, Violet, Joins...
- I love how Dave instantly goes from 'Legendary Rocker'...
Funny Pics and Memes to Help Keep You Entertained (30...
- Take a break from the day and enjoy a fresh set of...
20 Stereotypes Americans Get Wrong About other...
- Assumptions that people from the US get wrong about...
Guy Knows Answer to $1 Million Question but Walks...
- This still keeps him up at night.
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