This Girl's Ripped Pants Prank is Funny and Kind of...
- A girl with a massive rip in her jeans (right on the...
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26 Surprising Celebs Who Voiced Your Favorite Cartoon...
- A lot of our favorite animated characters are voiced...
23 Pics That Busted People at the Perfect Time
- Sheer luck came into play to capture some of these...
17 Endless GIFs For Your Viewing Pleasure
- You might never want them to stop... and they won't.
29 People Who Ate The Onion
- This stuff is all a joke, but you wouldn't know it...
14 Actors Who Went To The Extreme To Get The Role
- Sometimes makeup isn't enough and they need to change...
Badass Goose Laughs in Death's Face
- This Canadian goose isn't scared of your BULL sh*t.
28 Unsettled Tom Memes That are Absolutely Savage
- The Unsettled Tom meme format originated back in 2012...
29 Times the Planets Aligned Perfectly
- What are the odds of that?
25 Sides Of Celebrities You May Have Never Seen
- A rare look inside the lives of celebrities. The...
38 Pics and Memes to Improve Your Mood
- Stuff that just might make your day better.
15 of the Rarest Dog Breeds
- Here are 15 breeds that are pretty cool looking. There...
26 Makeup Transformations
- It's hard to believe some of these are the same women....
23 AirPod 2 Memes that Will Help You Flaunt Your Wealth
- Apple AirPods were quite controversial when they first...
The Flat Earth Movie by Logan Paul is Here and Holy...
- Hyped since March 10th, Logan Paul's "long-awaited"...
Logan Paul is Going to Cross Antarctica to Prove That...
- Update: His new flat earth documentary is live - check...
University of Tulsa Defensive Back Jumps Out of a Pool...
- These players from Tulsa's secondary show off their...
New Quentin Tarantino Movie Looks Dope
- Quentin Tarantino’s ONCE UPON A TIME IN HOLLYWOOD...
Dude Parkours His Way Out of Getting Arrested
- Dude gets approached by the cops on a rooftop. Then he...
20 People Who are Having a Worse Day than You
- People who had their guardian angel take the day off.
A Look At The Best March Madness Moments In History
- You have got to be kidding me, sometimes everything...
The New Stranger Things 3 Official Trailer is Finally...
- One summer can change everything. Stranger Things is...
12 Facts About Historical People You May Not Know
- Odd facts you may have never heard of before about...
When You Want To Solo Like Slash, But You're A Piano...
- This guy turns his piano into a guitar and rocks out.
15 Fascinating Things You May Have Never Seen Before
- A collection of interesting stuff.
This Naval Ship Gun from 1889 Has An Amazingly...
- A 9.2" triple motion interrupted parallel screw naval...
This Guy Is A Human Beat Box
- He could replace your entire sound system.
Flaming Garbage Barrels Into Someone's House
- "A trash truck burst into flames, rolled down a hill...
15 People from Viral Videos and What They Look Like...
- Catch up with the "stars" of some of the internet's...
42 WTF Vintage Photos That Will Make You Stop Missing...
- Delve in the vault of history and discover that the...
Crazy On The Street Interviews In New York In 1979
- This guy gave a set of questions to random passer-by's...
23 Things Side to Side That Add Perspective
- Putting things side by side to see how they compare to...
35 Tattoos That Are Actually Amazing
- These are real works of art from some fantastic...
Racist Old Man Assumes Workers Are Illegals, Calls The...
- "There's Some Wetbacks Here," he tells the police...
Red Hot Anvil Vs. Frozen Lake
- Heaviest red hot something video ever! 110lbs red hot...
Man Gains Super Speed From Taser Shot
- The flash origin story you didn't know you wanted or...
Motorcycle Crash Ends in the Coolest Way Possible
- Hard to be mad at this f**kup.
Drunk Irish Lady Whips 'Em Out on St. Patrick's Day
- Meanwhile in Cork, Ireland... "I'm putting it on...
28 Hot Girls Rockin' It In While They're On The Job
- These are some badass ladies who will have you at...
33 Killer Pics To Slay Your Day Away
- Fun photos for your pleasure
eBaum's Picks