21 Mind Melting Optical Illusions to Open Your Third...
- These optical illusions will blow your brain out.
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Cop's Dad Instincts Kick In When Dealing With Two...
- An 11 and 13 year olds playing with a BB gun learn a ...
Watch This Supercell Storm Come Out of Nowhere and Get...
- Randy Orwin from Queensland, Australia was watching...
Thief Nearly Runs over Store Employees Attempting to...
- Keith McDonough uploaded this video after he attempted...
The Time Alex Jones Went Nuts on the BBC and the Host...
- A classic Alex Jones moment from an interview with...
Rapper Getting Arrested Keeps Trying To Film His Music...
- When you got a good shot, you take it!
Uber Driver Assaulted with Tacos in Ultimate Drunk...
- This Uber driver from Midland, Texas had this disaster...
28 Ridiculously Random Pics To Start Your Day Off Right
- Put the day on pause and check out this batch of...
Police Officer Pulls Painful Prank on Coworkers
- She even had me going there for a bit
Mail Man Pulls a Gun Out on Angry Homeowner
- This mailman pulls a gun out after being yelled at for...
Guy Nearly Breaks His Neck Climbing Ladder With...
- Thats One Way Of Doing That I Guess?
2-Pound Steel Balls Spill into Street Causing Havoc...
- Steel balls can be seen rolling down a very steep hill...
22 Rare Celebrity Pictures That Leave You Stunned
- Pictures showing celebrities in places where we don't...
The Simpsons Predicted Canada's Legalization of...
- 13 years ago in an episode of the Simpsons they...
Oregon Zoo Shares Some Creepy Animal X-Rays Just in...
- Some interesting and badass looking x-rays during ...
Here's the New Red Dead Redemption 2 Launch Trailer to...
- Red Dead Redemption 2 comes out October 26th and this...
MMA Fighter Perfectly Counters Opponent's Spin Attack...
- Goga Shamatava has an almost inhuman counter to...
How Would You Spend $900 Million in Lotto Winnings?
- Don't have a ticket? You gotta be in it to win it.
Woman In Viral Video With Black Man Speaks Out After...
- Hilary Thornton defends her actions against neighbor...
Canadians Are Loving Their Legalized Weed
- Canada on Wednesday became the first major world...
Mysterious Video Appears To Show Unknown Levitating...
- "I don't know what exactly it was, but it was awesome...
The terrifying Moment an Overpass Collapses as a Truck...
- A terrifying moment for the driver but it could've...
Badass Ex-Army Major Apprehends Knife-Wielding Thief
- A knife-wielding car thief attempting to leave a...
18 Killed at Tech College Campus Attack in Crimea
- 40 people are injured and 18 have died of gunshot...
Drunk Guy Scales Huge Bridge To Avoid Police
- Good Grief, do they not have liquor stores over there?
People Close To Aaron Hernandez Reveal Some Dark Sh**
- People shed light unto the increasingly strange...
End Your Day With These 34 Interesting Pics
- A collection of funny random, and WTF pics to help you...
SpongeBob Square Pants Painting Goes for 1.3 Million...
- An auction for Sponge Bob Square Pants painting goes...
Boston Dynamics' Robot "Spot" dances to Bruno Mars'...
- At least when the hostile robot takeover happens, it...
The Heartbreaking Moment a Bull Breaks Its Legs During...
- The video clip has been shared by the Animalist Party...
30 Amazing Pictures That Remind You How Crazy Life Is
- A collection of funny and interesting pictures from...
Watching This Man Remove a Bee Hive from a Bedroom...
- Scott Whitaker works for Hinterland Bees in...
18 Fascinating Facts That Will Slaughter Your Boredom
- Feed your brain with these tasty morsels of wisdom.
Wind Games Are the Mind-Blowing Competition You've...
- Kyra Poh kills it in this performance at the 2018 Wind...
10-Year-Old Guitar Playing Kid Is Killin' It
- This kid is far too young to have the blues!
Father-Daughter Mech Halloween Costume Is Next-Level...
- The Mech Warrior costume has been done, and done, and...
Insane 4K Footage of Hurricane Michael Hitting Panama...
- A note from those filming: "Video taken in the western...
21 Unusual Things You've Probably Never Seen
- Some bizarre, strange, and unusual things.
Crack Lady Tries To Escape Police Car
- Using only the power of crack and an unwavering...
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