Brave Girl Feeds World Record 14-Foot-Long Alligator...
- This girl is feeding world record Alligator, Big Tex,...
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Guy Spots a HUGE Moose Roaming The Streets of Alaska
- Just a gigantic Moose out for a troll in the cool...
Fleeing Suspect Almost Got Away Before the Cows Came
- Sanford police converged on a stolen car when one of...
44 Amazing Photos You Wont Want To Look Away From
- Awesome pics that will have your eyes glued to the...
Military Spokeswoman Accidentally Posts Nude Selfie On...
- That awkward moment when you post a nude selfie on an...
This Girl is so Wasted that she Can Only Walk Backwards
- "Maybe she's born with it ... Maybe it's Ketamine." .
30 Acts Of Kindness That Will Restore Your Faith in...
- Examples of people being excellent to each other that...
25 Insane Weight-Loss Transformation Photos
- Here is the motivation you need to get your lift on...
23 Powerful Photos That Might Choke You Up
- Sadness is all just a part of life.
Killer Whale Grabs Onto an Anchor and Treats a Boat...
- Fun playtime or sick mind game?
10 Products for Those Who Love Self Induced Torture
- Spicy food items that will leave your taste buds...
Judge Has A Suspects Mouth Tapped Shut Because He...
- Shut your god damn mouth before I shut it for you.
Great White Shark Jumps at Scientist Out of Nowhere
- Researchers off the coast of Massachusetts, get a...
22 Kids Of The Cartel Flaunting Their Crazy Lifestyles
- The best drugs and golden guns money can buy!
17 Fascinating Photos From Around The Web
- This weeks round up of cool images from around the...
Lucky Surfer has a Once in a Lifetime Experience
- This happened in Crescent Head Back Beach, Australia...
17 Next-Level Aquariums that are Out of this World
- These fish have it better than most humans.
Attempted Drone Assassination Of Venezuelan President...
- The explosion heard in the video is a drone which was...
Sexy Wife Caught Dancing In The Kitchen
- She's got moves, that's for sure.
27 Famous People that You'll Barely Recognize
- Celebrities as you've never seen them before.
12 Year Old Catcher Gets Ejected for Winning
- Have sports gotten too nice?
15 Famous Memes that Grew Up
- Famous faces behind some of our favorite memes.
20 Fascinating Facts That Will Slaughter Your Boredom
- Demolish the pillars of your ignorance and see it go...
Musician Proves that 'Screaming' Takes Talent by...
- Testing the myth that screaming doesn't take any...
Dramatic Videos Show Fireball Explosion In Bologna,...
- At least two have died after a truck exploded in...
Israeli Soldier Does The Drake "In My Feelings"...
- An Israeli army shooting instructor takes the Drake,...
Heartwarming Video of Gorillas Accepting Humans Into...
- The animal kingdom is a very special place.
Johnny Manziel's CFL Debut Does NOT Go Well For Him
- Manziel ends up throwing a total of 4 interceptions in...
16 Creative Photos from Clever People
- Interesting images from people who took their photos...
Huge Whale Surfaces Out of Nowhere and Surprises...
- The folks are just cruising along when a whale...
48 Awesome Pics That Will Stimulate Your Pleasure...
- Sit back, relax, and enjoy these awesome pics.
Unknown Assailant Lobs Explosive Firework onto a...
- Happy Hour is OVER!
Bizarre Creature Caught Stalking a Moose in Canada
- Youtube Audrée Tanguay Fréchette was filming a moose...
42 Visual Orgasms for the Real Perfectionist
- Images soothing even to the most severe case of OCD.
10 Interesting Facts That Will Help You Celebrate...
- A day to honor one of mankind's favorite beverages......
This Old Lady Returning a Shopping Cart in a Hurricane...
- A crazy freak storm blew in as this seventy-year-old...
46 Interesting Pics That Will Make You Glad It's Friday
- A mixed bag of random images for all to enjoy.
Talented Girl Eats a Donut in Style
- Look, no crumbs on her dress.
20 Shower Thoughts To Get Your Brain Going
- Cool things to think as you let your brain wake up.
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