The Biggest Internet F**k Ups Of The Decade
- These people messed up so bad we're still going to be...
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Jon Bernthal Tells Joey Diaz About the Crazy Street...
- I would've definitely partied with this dude back in...
Free Diver Guillaume Néry's Underwater Videos are...
- Guillaume Néry is a French free diving champion who...
Woman Calls 911 to Order Pizza and Dispatcher Picks up...
- A domestic dispute came to an end when she called 911...
55 Cool Classic Toys That Are Bringing Us Back to the...
- Over fifty toys, board games and gadgets that will...
Kung Fu Fighter Jumps On Water In Gravity Defying Stunt
- This Kung Fu master is so light on his feet he can...
Guy Wants $150,000 For His Rare Boba Fett Action Figure
- In honor of the Mandalorian we present this old clip...
Police Chase Comes to a Very Abrupt Stop in Front of...
- Fleeing suspect slams head on into big truck, bring...
34 Pictures We Had to Look at Twice
- There's more than meets the eye here.
Pilot Records Selfie Video After Plane Crashes in...
- Video shows a plane crashing into the Pacific Ocean...
007 Comes Out of Retirement in Explosive New James...
- 'No Time to Die' hits theaters in April 2020, and...
The Hidden Security Features That Prevent You From...
- I wanted to make a meme, but this was really...
Cartoon of Creepy Uncle Joe Biden's "Hairy Leg" Speech
- Just creepy Uncle Joe, doin' his thing!
British People Guess The Costs Of American Health Care
- 10,000 grand, for a baby? Couldn't be.
Joe Biden Appears to be Losing His Damn Mind During...
- A bizarre and barely coherent statement from Joe Biden...
Official 'Black Widow' Trailer Sees Scarlett Johansson...
- 'Black Widow' hits theaters May 1, 2020, and I cannot...
Amazon Delivery Guy Caught Stealing Package After...
- This is why I'm having all my stuff shipped to a store...
42 Fresh Pics Packed To The Brim With Cool
- Funny pics, memes, fascinating stuff, weirdness and...
Australia Introduces Phone-Detecting Traffic Cams
- I wonder when they'll implement this here in the...
Man Tries to Blow up Roach Infestation, Accidentally...
- After dumping gasoline into an underground cockroach...
Entitled Dude Thinks He Can Do Whatever He Wants In...
- The people who choose to do this awful job are more...
Idiot Almost Gets Taken By An Armenian Gang After...
- Is this supposed to be funny? The only funny part is...
Bill Skarsgård IT Audition and First Makeup Test for...
- You can see why he got the part. Bill is an extremely...
This Couple Has A Pretty Strange Workout Routine
- Is this what the kids call, "relationship goals", or...
38 Times Sh*t Hit the Fan
- Pictures and memes of situations and things that...
Savage Detective Uses Lube To Taunt The Kid Who Shot...
- After shooting an undercover detective four times,...
Bass-Playing Japanese Girl Rocks the F*** Out
- This girl slaps. And taps. HARD.
39 Mixed Pics That Will Amuse and Confuse You
- The glorious weekend is almost here! So sit back,...
Plant Worker Drops Wet Scrap Into Foundry and Nearly...
- Can we take few moments to appreciate the windshield...
57 Dope Pics To Give Your Boredom the Boot
- Great pics to make your weekend complete.
35 People Whose Days Took a Turn for the Worst
- When life decides to suck, don't feel so bad for...
Miriam Hamberg's 2019 Norwegian Death Diving...
- Miriam's unique approach to Norwegian Death Diving...
Polish Chef with Narwhal Tusk and Bystander with a...
- Two bystanders sprang into action and tackled the...
Machete-Wielding Man Gets Taken Out by a Cop Using...
- This guy could have had a 1 way ticket to the morgue...
The Sound Of Ice Falling Down A Borehole Is Eerily cool
- I wonder how far down it goes? Did you catch the sound...
Man Fights Off Three Armed Robbers While His Wife...
- These three would be robbers broke into the wrong...
22 Famous People Then and Now
- You might have not even recognized them.
Steven Crowder Tries To Hang Himself Epstein Style
- YouTuber Steven Crowder tried his best to kill himself...
30 Fascinating Photos of Unique and Interesting Things
- An assortment of cool and interesting images.
Christmas Cards From Two Centuries Ago Were Really...
- Do they look like ancient memes to you?
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