25 Pieces of ‘Life Advice’ That Are Total Bullsh*t
We keep getting life advice everywhere we go. From our parents to our fortune cookies, everyone is always telling us what to do.
Published 2 years ago in Facepalm
We keep getting life advice everywhere we go. From our parents to our fortune cookies, everyone is always telling us what to do.
Unfortunately, some of this life advice is a complete lie. And here are a few of the lies you need to stop believing ASAP.
Unfortunately, some of this life advice is a complete lie. And here are a few of the lies you need to stop believing ASAP.
“What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger.” Nope— not true. Some things leave you permanently changed, and not always for the better. Yes, it is possible (and oftentimes a good thing) to try and find silver linings regarding crummy situations. But to completely ignore how something may hurt someone is absolutely foolish. -u/itsgoodpain11
You're not married because you're "too picky." So I'm supposed to settle just so I can be married? You better believe I'm going to be picky when it comes to the person I'm going to interconnect everything with for the rest of my life. In fact, I know more married people that are in unhappy marriages because they weren't picky enough. Better to be single than with the wrong person. -u/CamaroNoir23
That going to college will “guarantee you a high paying job." I heard that sh*t all my childhood and it just absolutely is not always true. Trade school degrees that are way cheaper can pay more and give you a better chance at a job. Wish someone would have told me this 15 years ago. -u/Minion0827