20 ‘Rags to Riches’ Stories That Are Completely Bogus
Rich people love to talk about how they worked so hard for their money, but fail to mention that their parents also worked hard for their money and their grandparents.
Published 1 year ago in Facepalm
Rich people love to talk about how they worked so hard for their money, but fail to mention that their parents also worked hard for their money and their grandparents.
They love to tell these stories to try and relate to us common folks, but don't see how their stories don't relate to any of us, because we don't have a rich mom and dad to hold our hands the entire way.
Over at r/AskReddit, we found some of the richest people and how they lied about their "rags to riches" stories.
Dwayne Johnson loves to talk about how at one point he only had six dollars to his name. What he leaves out is that he did that with experience playing (under a scholarship) for an elite college football program and with a father and grandfather who were famous professional wrestlers and whose former boss would bend over backwards to do them favors and give Dwayne an open invitation. u/jayhof523
Dave Ramsey. Fucking turd burglar was an idiot with his riches from real estate and then got rich giving people common sense advice of how not to go broke like he did and maybe by the time they are 70 they might be able to retire comfortably. Give up all personal happiness so you can have a good retirement is basically his philosophy unless you are working a 150,000+ salary job. u/GVFQT5
Watching the Arnold documentary series on Netflix, I saw as Arnie was trying to break into acting he was already a millionaire, not from bodybuilding, but from real estate. Never knew that. Obviously he still came from a small Austrian village to become a famous bodybuilder and millionaire real estate mogul, before becoming a movie star. u/whitniverse6
Not really well known for being rich but Charles Darwin. In fact the only way you could focus on discovering and researching the laws of nature was if you were rich back then because you needed the time and resources (money and a ship, which also cost money) to do anything other than work for pay and not starving to death. But Charles colleague (forgot his name) encouraged Charles to publish his theory of evolution book. and he did go from rags to riches by selling his animal specimens to Darwin but then got poor again after investing in railroads (there’s a line named after him that’s near New Zealand). u/Blueberry_Clouds14
Every young person that the news always puts articles out about who are like “this is how I managed to buy a home at 22”. They’re rich. That’s always the answer. They work a 9-5 and they save €50 a week, their parents left them €100,000 and they don’t order takeaways. If we can do it so can you! u/Spooky_Cron